Film sci-fi is often original, with stories that were made specifically for the screen, but there have also been many, many sci-fi adaptations. Many classic novels have been made into sci-fi movies, even previously thought unfilmable ones like Dune, but there are still many great sci-fi novels out there that have never made the leap to the silver screen. These books would make for excellent movies, or in some cases, series of movies.
They might add Ben Bova’s Grand Tour, Iain M Banks’ Culture, Anne McAffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern, and Harry Harrison’s Stainless Steel Rat series to the list.
Dude, Stainless Steel Rat was my jam, back in the day.
Retro-futurism in space opera is such a rich visual aesthetic, and yet it has been mostly relegated to older, low budget movies with poorly considered stories. This shall not do! A fine interstellar robbery ought to bring a bit of excitement to this dreary planet!