Film sci-fi is often original, with stories that were made specifically for the screen, but there have also been many, many sci-fi adaptations. Many classic novels have been made into sci-fi movies, even previously thought unfilmable ones like Dune, but there are still many great sci-fi novels out there that have never made the leap to the silver screen. These books would make for excellent movies, or in some cases, series of movies.

  • @Olhonestjim
    41 month ago

    They might add Ben Bova’s Grand Tour, Iain M Banks’ Culture, Anne McAffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern, and Harry Harrison’s Stainless Steel Rat series to the list.

    • inkicanOP
      21 month ago

      Dude, Stainless Steel Rat was my jam, back in the day.

      • @Olhonestjim
        11 month ago

        Retro-futurism in space opera is such a rich visual aesthetic, and yet it has been mostly relegated to older, low budget movies with poorly considered stories. This shall not do! A fine interstellar robbery ought to bring a bit of excitement to this dreary planet!

  • LazaroFilm
    1 month ago

    It seems like my favorite books are all being adapted recently. Hopefully the trend will continue.

    • [x] Wool/Silo
    • [x] Foundation
    • [x] Three Body Problem
    • [ ] Murderbot Diaries
    • [ ] Red Rising

    (PS: I’m also open to next reads suggestions)

  • @TheBlackKnight
    11 month ago

    I heard rumours of an AppleTV adaptation of Neuromancer months ago and nothing since then. Anybody have any updates on this?

  • @Woozythebear
    11 month ago

    They need to make books into shows and not movies, really suck when books you like get crunched into a 2 hour movie.