• @hark
    05 months ago

    Go back and read the thread from the beginning. I’m not going to play your bad faith games.

    • Flying Squid
      25 months ago

      Why should I read from the beginning when you changed the subject a handful of posts ago? Would that alter the fact that you changed the subject? I’m pretty sure that accusing me of doing it first doesn’t alter what you did.

      • @hark
        05 months ago

        I didn’t change the subject, you did. I listed all the things that bush was worse for and you decided to change the subject to one that wasn’t even a political focus back then. When it came to lgbt rights back then, it was mainly about marriage, and bush was against that. Bush was also for upholding sodomy laws, as one of my links pointed out. Do you honestly think that bush would be for trans rights or whatever other lgbt issues that are the focus today?

        • Flying Squid
          25 months ago

          Sure looks like a change of subject to me:

          trans rights or whatever other lgbt issues that are the focus today?

          And here’s the actual issue. You know nothing about what queer people faced under Trump and what they’re going to face if he gets back into office. I’m guessing that’s in part because you didn’t actually look at my link.

          • @hark
            05 months ago

            Go further up the thread. I’m not going to play your stupid games.

            • Flying Squid
              15 months ago

              Going further up the thread will not have made the change of subject I pasted not a change of subject. Strange that you’re accusing me of playing games when you’re doing the “what are you going to believe, me or your own eyes” thing…

              • @hark
                15 months ago

                Going further up the thread will not have made the change of subject I pasted not a change of subject.

                It would show that you were the one who changed the subject in the first place. Nice try, but I’m used to talking to disingenuous trolls like you.

                • Flying Squid
                  05 months ago

                  Yes, again, accusing me of changing the subject doesn’t mean you did not change the subject. I demonstrated very clearly that you did.