• circuscritic
    5 months ago

    This isn’t a problem that can be solved with a technical solution that isn’t itself extremely dystopian in nature.

    This is a problem that requires legislation and criminal liability, or genuine punitive civil liability that pierces the corporate legal shields.

    Don’t hold your breath for a serious solution to present itself.

    • paraphrand
      5 months ago

      Do you think legislation and laws would be reasonable for trolls who ban evade and disrupt and destroy synchronous online social spaces too?

      The same issue happens there. Zero repercussions, ban evasion is almost always possible, and the only fool proof solutions seem to quickly turn dystopian too.

      Ban evasion and cheating are becoming a bigger and bigger issue in online games/social spaces. And all the nerds will agree it’s impossible to fix. And many feel it’s just normal culture. But it’s not sustainable, and with AI and an ever escalating cat and mouse game, it’s going to continue to get worse.

      Can anyone suggest a solution that is on the horizon?

      • circuscritic
        5 months ago

        No, I’m a free speech absolutist when it comes to private citizens. Be they communists, Nazis, Democrats, trolls, assholes or furries, the government should have no role in regulating their speech outside of reasonable exceptions i.e. yelling fire in a crowded theater, threats of physical violence, etc.

        My moral conviction on relative free speech absolutism ends at the articles of incorporation, or other nakedly profit driven speech e.g. market manipulation.

        So if the trolls and ban evaders are acting on behalf of a company, or for profit driven interests, their speech should be regulated. If they’re just assholes or trolls, that’s a problem for the website and mod teams.

        • paraphrand
          5 months ago

          Thanks for replying. As far as speech goes, I agree with you. And I agree that moderation, using tools like blocking or muting and social mores should take care of things.

          Setting speech aside. What about people who hack the spaces, break things, blast ear piercing sounds, crash other users or otherwise do not use symbols or speech to destroy or harm a synchronous social space? And I am assuming these are mostly always individuals. Not some corporate scheme.