• @ZK686
    5 months ago

    It’s crazy that 33 Democrats voted AGAINST aid for Israel, but all we seem to hear about around here is how some Republicans voted against the Ukraine bill…

    • Alto
      85 months ago

      Funding a genocide is bad, actually.

    • mozz
      5 months ago

      Democrats vote for or against things all the time, whereas modern-day Republicans vote almost invariably in total lock-step (like literally 100% of them.) It’s very weird. They have a whole little proto-Russia going on where everyone always agrees with the leader no matter what; it actually is sort of newsworthy at this point when some Republicans cross the aisle.

    • DigitalTraveler42
      65 months ago

      It’s crazy how you’re too dumb to see the difference between Ukraine and Israel, and I say that as someone of Jewish descent with a shitload of Jewish friends and family, as well as a veteran.

      The people outright killing civilians are always the bad guys, sure collateral damage happens, but this ain’t it, this is the same shit that Ruzzia does where they purposely depopulate areas with the purpose of moving some of their people into those depopulated areas to lay claim to it, while literally squatting in some poor executed family’s home. This is trash human behavior.

    • @ABCDE
      45 months ago

      It’s very odd that you seem to agree with every Republican stance. Have you ever thought for yourself?

      • @ZK686
        5 months ago

        Actually I don’t agree with every Republican stance. I support gay rights, I’m pro-choice (the whole abortion thing with Republicans is my biggest gripe), and I don’t think religion should be forced in schools. I’m actually atheist myself. However, as I get older, I’m finding myself agreeing much more with conservative politics. I lean Right, but I’m registered independent. I was told I “must” be a democrat my whole life, because I’m Mexican. I remember at a young age being taught in public schools in Southern California that “minorities must vote democrat.” It wasn’t until I got older I realized the propaganda that the Left spewed. They told me I was never good enough to vote any other way, but Democrat. So yea, I have a chip on my shoulder now that I’m older and can think more for myself. Democrat policies, politicians, and the Left have always treated me as a “victim” and instilled in my mind that Republicans are bad, and it’s THEIR fault my family is poor. Fuck that…it’s all lies.

    • @marx2k
      25 months ago

      Why is that crazy?