Reading Three Days to Never by Tim Powers. The premise is pretty interesting, can’t wait to see where he takes it.
As mentioned last week, @[email protected] and @[email protected] are working on something related to Bingo card for books.
Keep your eyes peeled, just one week (or so) to go.
Also, welcome @[email protected] as a newly minted mod of this community!
Now to topic at hand, what have you been reading or listening lately?
Wow, that’s a lot of books. How long did it take to read all these?
I read between 150 to 200 pages a day on average. Started January 2nd to present time. Today reading Gerald’s Game by Stephen King. Book I read before but been a long time. Also some of those were short stories I either bought on kindle our got from Libby.
My goal is 100 but believe I will surpass that. I do hope to listen to 25 audiobooks as well before end of year.
But since I don’t drive a delivery truck anymore it might not happen. Only listen when commuting or working on Lego.
150 to 200 pages a day is a very good amount. Respect!
Good luck with your audiobook goal!