Reading Three Days to Never by Tim Powers. The premise is pretty interesting, can’t wait to see where he takes it.

As mentioned last week, @[email protected] and @[email protected] are working on something related to Bingo card for books.

Keep your eyes peeled, just one week (or so) to go.

Also, welcome @[email protected] as a newly minted mod of this community!

Now to topic at hand, what have you been reading or listening lately?

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    Shogun, James Clavell.

    Inspired by the recent adaptation which fell short in a couple ways for me, I went back to the novel which I listened to a few years ago and found it… doesn’t quite hold up as well as I remember. At the very least, I wish there were an abridged version, or even better, a full-cast abridged dramatization. There’s just so much of it and much of it is repetitive or unnecessary, at least the second time around, in my opinion. There’s too much glorification of a hyper-violent fascist feudalism for my taste. Also, it isn’t quite as accurate as it would like to be- No carrier pigeons in Japan at that time, and the author gets some of the Japanese wrong for instance.

    That said, it really is quite a good book. The politics and drama, while somewhat exhausting, are also gripping and anxiety-inducing on behalf of the characters. The world feels real and lived-in, and invites and rewards investment and attention. The climax is especially rewarding.

    I give it 6/10: Well worth it if you have the time and like historical fiction and political drama. Could be a slog for those with short attention spans, like myself. Ralph Lister is a great narrator. I recommend an abridged version if possible.

    • @[email protected]OPM
      25 months ago


      Just checked, the book is part of a series, but they are all in different places. Is the story in the books linked or just different books linked due to historical fiction genre?

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        I haven’t read the others, so I can’t speak to them, but I think I read they share a fictional timeline. Probably mostly what you said though.

  • @[email protected]M
    55 months ago

    I finished up the current Murderbot books and am working on some short stories and novellas by Ursula K Le Guin (The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas) and T Kingfisher (Minor Mage, Illuminations)

  • InfiniteGlitch
    45 months ago

    Still trying to finish:

    • Slewfoot (book)
    • Eleanor is completely fine (book)
    • Haite Kudasai (manga)

    But university/ thesis is wrecking my time and in the weekends feel a bit to tired to read.

    • @[email protected]OPM
      25 months ago

      University / thesis are important. Don’t worry about the other stuff, it will be here when you are finished with those.

  • Bebo
    35 months ago

    Reading English, August by Upamanyu Chatterjee and listening to Jane Eyre.

  • zephyr
    35 months ago

    Reading Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. Already read Pride and Prejudice and loved it, feeling good about this one.

  • @AtariDump
    35 months ago

    Jurassic Park (the book) - first time reading it after watching the movie multiple times.

  • @dogslayeggs
    35 months ago

    Just about finished with Emperor of Ruin by Django Wexler. It’s fun, escapist fantasy. Decent characters and decent story, even if it is the over-troped “only this small band of ragtag individuals can save the entire world from a supremely powerful magician.” It’s the 4th and final book in the series, so there is no sitting around waiting for the next one.

  • ComradeSharkfucker
    5 months ago

    State and revolution by Vladimir Lenin (its his birthday)

    Society of the spectacle by Guy Debord (not his birthday 😔)

  • @blubton
    25 months ago

    Reading “A tale of two cities” by Charles Dickens. I am not too far into it, but so far it’s been really enjoyable! The English accents are really hard to follow for someone whose native language isn’t English, but I’m getting used to it.

    • @Fredselfish
      35 months ago

      Listen to audiobook it’s a interesting story. Does OP want a complete list? Because just finished my 69th book for the year so far and 12 audiobooks. Goal is over 100 stories read by end of year which probably accomplish before the end of June.

      • @[email protected]OPM
        35 months ago

        Ah, just replied to your other post.

        The idea is generally to share what you are reading since the last time you posted in one of these thread (which are posted weekly), or just what you are reading lately.

        Also, 69 books and it’s just April, that’s really cool. With this speed, you can have around 200 books by the year end. Would love to see how your journey progresses.

        • @Fredselfish
          35 months ago

          Yeah decided to keep a detail list. I am reading between 150 to 250 pages a day. Keep in mind some on my list are short stories but my wife says they count. Having a library card and a Libby account been great for that.

          And on what reading now hard to clarify. The last book on my list I started and finished yesterday and was 80 pages into Gerald’s Game by Stephen King.

          Probably finish it today our tomorrow depending on how busy we get a work.

          That be neat to do 200 but for now just trying reach 100 mark. I keep three books on hand at a time so we will see. I post a big pic of all the physical books at the beginning of next year and screen shot of the ebook reading list.

      • @blubton
        25 months ago

        I should really start listening to audiobooks more often. I just looked and the book is freely available on Librivox, so I may switch back and forth between reading and listening from now on. Thanks for the tip!

        • @Fredselfish
          25 months ago

          You’re welcome. I use Libby sure beats having pay Audible every month.

  • slazer2au
    25 months ago

    Currently listening to Star Wars Outbound Flight. The reader/speaker isn’t a good one.

      • slazer2au
        25 months ago

        A Jedi master is like, we should expand outside of the current galaxy and into other galaxies. Political and military kerfuffles ensue.

        It is now classified as Legends and no longer canon since the Disney purchase of Lucas. It took place between Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones films.

        • @[email protected]OPM
          15 months ago

          Yeah, heard about “Legends” stuff when Disney bought it. Ignoring the narrator / speaker, how’s the book?

          • slazer2au
            25 months ago

            It’s been alright so far.

  • @[email protected]
    25 months ago

    Finished Southern Gods from last week on Sunday (it was ok), and spent last night picking out something new. Ended up with Stargazy Pie by Victoria Goddard, which seems pleasantly light and cozy so far; should be just about long enough to last a week.

    Also, grats Jaymes!