• @jeffwOP
    12 months ago

    How on earth did you get to that conclusion? Where is your data showing that Lee isn’t popular in her district or that centrists didn’t turn out to vote? You are clearly arguing that these results don’t reflect the electorate in her district, which I just cannot wrap my head around.

    • @Ensign_Crab
      12 months ago

      How on earth did you get to that conclusion? Where is your data showing that Lee isn’t popular in her district or that centrists didn’t turn out to vote?

      That’s what I’m saying. Centrists don’t need such data when they summarily announce that progressives don’t turn out. They don’t need such data to gleefully announce that progressives’ concerns can be ignored. Why is it different now?

      You are clearly arguing that these results don’t reflect the electorate in her district, which I just cannot wrap my head around.

      You are clearly trying to put words in my mouth.

      • @Buddahriffic
        2 months ago

        Sorry that most are missing what you’re saying (as of when I wrote this reply, hope things reverse over time to make this comment look out of place). It was pretty clear to me. It’s a satire of the reasoning (excuse?) the Democrats sometimes use to dismiss progressive positions and stick with the neoliberal ideals.

        • @Ensign_Crab
          22 months ago

          I don’t think any of them are actually missing the point. They just don’t like it.