Like. Half the time they’re not even making an actual argument. people on here do this just every single day. I don’t need to know the hoity-toity 7 to 15 word quip that makes absolutely no sense but fills the place where a logical argument should be.

There is some serious lack of awareness and day-to-day life. I do this you do this. It happens perfectly normal very fine.

In this context, I do feel compelled to point out that all that is doing is displaying the simplicity of the “ arguments “ that you need to route around your own understanding of the world.

It’s like every Democrat in my life is trying to gaslight me. In the 2000s, arresting reporters was a big deal mass arresting protesters was a big deal.

The president was a war criminal and everybody knew it, and everybody went along with it out of bloodlust and desire for war and revenge. Fuck now you try and pretend like you’re the reasonable goddamn party because you Outsource your morality to whatever group of people are near you at any given time just like Every single other…. Grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble. I’m gonna leave these up for posterity, but yeah I’m not doing super fucking hot. Graduations in like eight days. And I am experiencing distress

  • ivanafterall
    -511 months ago

    Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! You probably won’t remember the specific daily bullshit in the news when you’re older, but you’ll definitely remember that!