My goldendoodle puppy doesn’t ever want to come back inside. I told my beagle “go get your sister” as I tried rounding up the puppy. Now when I say “go get your sister” the beagle runs to the puppy and baits her into chasing him into the house.

  • @[email protected]
    3010 months ago

    “High five” instead of “paw” for two dogs which wasn’t the accident. The accident is they learned to associate high five with wanting something. When they want pets, food, bones, or toys they obsessively high five at you.

    My cat does it now too. Maybe they learned it from the cat who saw they got treats for high fives. My wife hates it. I think its hilarious.

    • @Chip_Rat
      1510 months ago

      My sister’s dog does “business deals” with me (offers a paw to shake) and it gets to the point where I have to tell him I don’t do deals on the weekend or I’m out of goods to trade. That little ferengi never truly believes me though he thinks I’m just trying to play hardball …

    • @Tujio
      1010 months ago

      Slightly unrelated, but one time I let out an amazing belch and nobody was around to hear other than the dog, so I high five her. That alone was worth teaching her that trick.

    • @LaunchesKayaksOP
      810 months ago

      My mom’s dog will hold your hand when she wants something or is in trouble. She knows we think the gesture is adorable, so she tries to manipulate us with it. It never works lol.