WINE_SIMULATE_WRITECOPY=1 %command% + Proton Experimental = working

    • citrusface
      111 months ago

      I struggle with it, but still manage to find fun in what blizzard made. I understand that blizz is not what blizz was. I gave up hearthstone. But still enjoy d2 and d3 and I’m hoping the changes they made to d4 will be good. I played wow 20 years ago, coming back now feels like a new game and it does manage to spark nostalgia in me. I hear what you are saying, but I’m not quite done with blizz yet… Looking at you POE2.

    • @[email protected]OP
      111 months ago

      I’m involved in the development of an addon for the Classic WoW versions (Questie), and the thing I do there is such a convoluted process that not doing it feels like letting my fellow devs and the users down. But you can do development on the PTRs and beta servers, so I haven’t given money to Blizzard in a long time. Now you could argue that this is even worse in regards to supporting Blizzard than just paying for a game, but I rationalise it to myself with the fact that the newer clients will inevitably be used for private servers just like the old ones were (some already are actually).