• Nepenthe
    1 year ago

    The couple was “furious” that their state’s laws were making it so difficult to get the help they felt both Heather and Willow needed.

    The Family Planning Associates Medical Group of Chicago offered to perform a dilation and evacuation for free - a procedure that doesn’t leave the foetus intact.

    I mean, I get it. I do. But there…is no other option with that. That is how an abortion works. If it isn’t the size of your thumbnail, it’s most likely going to be a D&C and at that trimester it’s coming out in pieces. It’s not exactly a c-section. They can do those instead, but they’re very rare with a high complication rate, and she’d likely be sterilizing herself.

    They’re right to be distressed, and thank fuck they were able to obtain care at all. But I don’t know what she expected to have, and that’s…that’s what’s done. Nor does it really have anything to do with the law itself…?