• Older generations didn’t fail us, the bourgeoisie did. Don’t let capitalists get away with reframing class struggle as generational struggle when that’s not what it is. Poor folks of past generations weren’t the problem. It was the ones wealthy enough to have political influence and control that were the problem. And that will continue being true for future generations so long as capitalism exists.

    • @[email protected]
      7011 months ago

      If the bourgeoisie fucked my parents as hard as they’re fucking me, I would have been brought up homeless. My mom was making the equivalent of like $60 an hour today when I was a kid, as an illegal immigrant with a two-year degree. I was born in the US and have a master’s of science with a 4.0 GPA and can’t even get a job.

      Things have definitely changed with time, and the younger generation is having a worse time because of it.

      • @MrPoopbutt
        4511 months ago

        I think the point the comment above you was trying to make is that it isn’t the old generation that is fucking thr young generation harder, it is the rich that are fucking the young. The old may have had it better, but it was because the rich weren’t fucking them as hard.

        • @[email protected]
          1511 months ago

          I feel fucked by the rich, but I feel more directly fucked by the people a decade or two older than me in management at the jobs I’m applying to. As much as I’d love for the US to be more socialist and have better workers rights, it didn’t for my parents and it doesn’t for me. The sole difference is that I feel excluded from society, despite toeing the educational line my whole life.

          • @[email protected]
            211 months ago

            Extend your reasoning. Why are the older people still there blocking the way? Because they’ve been unable to retire for a miriad of reasons orchestrated by those in power.

        • @TokenBoomer
          1111 months ago

          That is the crudest I’ve ever seen class consciousness, and still be understandable. Great job.

        • @chuckleslord
          411 months ago

          Well, yeah. Had a global war to win against communism then. Had to keep the masses content.

    • TequilaMockingbird
      1911 months ago

      Your overall point is valid - the top wealth holders are screwing everyone they can, regardless of what generation they’re in. But the older generations have some insulation - they were able to establish themselves economically before the vice really gripped. However, they are also the ones that allowed this to happen & often cheered it on - by voting for leaders who would enact policies designed to benefit the elite class at the expense of everyone else. It’s not a generation war per se, but it is partially their fault & the reason boomers are known as “The Selfish Generation”. Ironic since their parents were members of “The Greatest Generation” who were willing to sacrifice everything including their lives to better the world. One would think their kids would have learned something other than “Gotta get mine” at the expense of future Americans (both economically and ecologically). So it is a LITTLE about the generation gap.

      • @Maggoty
        411 months ago

        Isn’t that one of the theories about generations though? One generation suffers, one generation builds, one generation enjoys it and pisses it all away. Repeat.