• BraveSirZaphod
    121 month ago

    It is also a Club founded to keep the LGBTQ community free of anointed gatekeepers and machine politics

    This is comically hypocritical given that you’ll be gatekept out of any group like this the moment you express any opinion they disagree with, speaking as a gay guy myself.

    • @SkyezOpen
      71 month ago

      Sorry, you disagreed so your gay card has been revoked. I sentence you to straight.

    • NickwithaC
      21 month ago

      And which opinion did you express exactly?

      • BraveSirZaphod
        01 month ago

        In this particular context, “I believe Joe Biden should be the elected to another term” in apparently objectionable.

        Similarly, “I believe that the murder of 1000 Israeli citizens on October 7th was bad, and also that the Netanyahu government is atrocious and its military response has been grossly disproportionate and involved multiple war crimes” is enough to get you ejected from plenty of leftist spaces that insist that the October 7th attacks must be celebrated as an act of radical resistance.