The Federal Communications Commission voted 3–2 to impose net neutrality rules today, restoring the common-carrier regulatory framework enforced during the Obama era and then abandoned while Trump was president.

The rules prohibit Internet service providers from blocking and throttling lawful content and ban paid prioritization.

“Consumers have made clear to us they do not want their broadband provider cutting sweetheart deals, with fast lanes for some services and slow lanes for others,” FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said at today’s meeting.

  • AFaithfulNihilist
    11 months ago

    I’m curious where you are that a business line doesn’t cost more than a residential one because in my area it’s three times as much. I am fortunate enough that I get symmetrical gigabit for $90 a month and although they don’t promise static IP my IP has not changed in a while.

    If I wanted to get a real static IP I would have to upgrade to a business line It would cost $280 a month.

    • SupraMario
      11 months ago

      In the 3 different states that I’ve lived in, each has had business lines that allowed me to haggle with them, granted I was slightly outside of the city and I’m sure they had way less business class customers, they did haggle with me. 3 years is all I had to commit to, to get the price down to sub $100. One location I was paying just $60.