• @Jarix
    10 months ago

    https://www.patreon.com/modernrockca (form CMerly WhatWasThatRadio)

    Jon started his own online radio station after years in radio, seeing great music getting no love.

    His passion for music is worldclass, and he has decided to share that passion with the world.

    This patreon helps to support a commercial free SOCAN licensed broadcast of ad free rock music. This is an amazing resource to connect with what is happening in rock that no one else(or not many) is providing.

    All songs are 36 months old or newer.

    He is based out of Victoria BC where he was a DJ on 91.3 theZone for 10 years before striking it out on his own.

    Apps are available for both iPhone and android WWTR Android

    Reign Wolf


    Tiger Club



    BRKN Love


    Velvet Two Stripes


    All bands i would not know today if it werent for this. Worth your time if you are at all interested in new music.

    No donations necessary but are appreciated (i am currently no longer a subscriber, but will again when am able to afford it if anyone cares to know)

    • @moistclump
      210 months ago

      Ah! A 91.3 zone reference!!! They had some good tunes, I’ll look him up thank you!