I have very mixed feelings on secret checks. One the one hand, they make a lot of sense, they seem like they really help roleplay and being in character, and they generate suspense and uncertainty.

On the other hand, I like rolling my pretty math rocks. I’m a minor dice goblin, and my expensive RNGs demand to be rolled!

Which is fine, I’m the GM at my table, but if I were on the other side of the screen, I think it’d drive me a little crazy.

I also know that they’re a controversial topic more generally, and some players have really, really strong negative reactions to them.

So, how do you feel? Does your table use them? If not, why not? If so, how do they feel? Do you have anyone at the table with very strong feelings about them? If so, how have they articulated those feelings?

  • TOModera
    11 months ago

    I’ve debated adding them for one group I do, and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s too much extra work for us, personally. I will ask them to roll, let them react with RP if it’s low, and not state the target (unless they are all rolling for something at once). They are good at rolling with the punches.