All in one sitting. You get one condiment of choice, and a large glass of water. Bills can be torn up before consumption but nothing is stopping you from housing full Benjamins and digging for gold in the bathroom later. I think I could probably eat at least 10, and I would pick BBQ sauce.

  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    I honestly thought you meant a few bills, each worth a hundred, and I was trying to make a joke.

    Starchy food is mostly water - around 75% for potatoes. So 500g of zero-moisture would require 1.5L of water to break even not with 500g of potatoes, but with 2kg potatoes, or 80-85% of a 5-pound sack of potatoes for our US readers.

    Bottom line, 500g equivalency to starchy food would be to eat 2kg of potatoes with no additional water. Ambitious!