I remember in Revenge of the Sith, when the actor playing Vader yells “nooooooooo”, at what is supposed to be the emotional climax of the trilogy, the theater roared in laughter.

Do you have other examples?

  • @niktemadur
    510 months ago

    You know how there are a lot of small theaters in Paris that screen old movies? There we were, watching a noir thriller classic “The Asphalt Jungle” one night.
    As an epilogue, there’s a tacked-on morality speech by a police chief, and you can smell the stench of The Hayes Code and J Edgar Hoover all over the goddamned thing.

    Like a cheap piece of lazy propaganda. “Your local Police Department… tirelessly fighting day and night, to protect all regular citizens from society’s external disruptive forces, like the Red Menace and Reefer Madness.”

    After being a rapt audience for the main story - which is a jewel of its’ genre - this weird speech happens, it ends abruptly with a “The End” title card and we ambled out of the theater, that speech was the final disconcerting taste in our mouths, you could hear more than a few puzzled, snickering laughs.