It’s a slightly click-baity title, but as we’re still generating more content for our magazines, this one included, why not?

Unpopular opinions from last time include:

  • My Sci-fi unpopular opinion is that 2001: A Space Odyssey is nothing but pretentious, LSD fueled nonsense.

  • I could not get into the expanse at all.

  • My unpopular opinion is that I don’t like space operas.

What’s yours?

  • @hime0321
    310 months ago

    I don’t think you have seen like any star wars if you have such a bad take. It was Qui-gon jinn that found anakin. And what makes you think obi-wan is selfish or spoiled. If you paid attention or actually watched the movies you would know it was anakin’s fear of loosing padme that drove him to the dark side. Also what abuse did obi-wan do to anakin? They were pretty much brothers. As obi-wan put it “you were my brother, anakin. I loved you” Anakin became “fucked up” when he couldn’t control his anger and hate when confronted with loss, then the Sith Lord abused his fear and drive anakin to the dark side with promises of knowledge to save padme from death.

    • Zorque
      310 months ago

      There were lots of factors in Anakin’s fall. His early life as a slave, being separated from his only family, being brought up in the ranks of a religious bureaucracy that forces their members to shove down any and all emotion just to be a part, the constant psychic pressure from Palpatine, his relationship with Padme is just the final straw. The wedge that Palpatine uses to push him to the dark side.

    • gimpchrist
      010 months ago

      This is the thing… ob1 should not have even trained him in the first place you’re right Qui-Gon Jinn wanted to train him and qui-gonjin died Obi-Wan Kenobi wasn’t even a Jedi and he just took it upon himself to be this guy’s trainer… now if you’re going to do that, he was like in his late 20s early 30s and Anakin was a kid so that should not have been a brother figure relationship in the first place if anything it should have been a teacher student thing and teacher students don’t run around the Galaxy together like Brothers doing adventures together it’s ridiculous… he needed a father figure and he needed to stay on his planet and work on cars not be thrust into some kind of role that he didn’t even want to be in in the first place and that hurt him more than helped him… Obi-Wan let him join him on missions he wasn’t supposed to go on, he was allowed to wander the temple, he was allowed to sleep in obies bedroom, he hid his internal issues so he wouldn’t disappoint obi-wan, that is not what a student Master Jedi thing should be all about… he really abused his relationship with Anakin.

      And we all know that abused people abuse people. It’s Obi Wan’s fault for not just walking away and leaving Anakin to be a space mechanic.