• @Alexstarfire
    25 months ago

    Why would someone pay such exorbitant prices for fuel or questionable quality when they could just go to a gas station?

      • @theangryseal
        75 months ago

        Good lord that was hell for me.

        I work at the slowest gas station in the area. Suddenly I had customers from every other place around and I ran out quickly too. I had to hold diesel for my fuel account customers that keep my store afloat which led to people trying to fight me because someone let it slip to the locals that some people, in their view, were getting preferential treatment. Of course they were, they actually shop at my store every day and you guys choose to do business with Walmart to save a penny a gallon and I’ve never seen you before.

        I had that issue when Covid hit too and the hoarders showed up. Buddy, I order exactly what my regular customers ask me to order every week. I’m not selling their entire order to you so they have to go somewhere else. I’ve never seen you before and I’ll never see you again. I’m not selling you every carton of cigarettes I have in stock.

        Damn, world. Stay stable for me.

        • El Barto
          35 months ago

          You’re a good person.

      • @Alexstarfire
        35 months ago

        I don’t recall it getting THAT bad. But I also was only getting gas about once every 3 weeks back then.

      • @numberfour002
        15 months ago

        How quickly I forgot.

        I found out while I was making my way back home after going camping in another state. I didn’t have internet/data for most of the trip b/c camping, so I was not aware anything was going on.

        When I stopped at a gas station to fill up (for the last time on that trip), they were in the process of putting out signs at their pumps. Something along the lines of $50 limit. I was still filling up when they got to my pump, so I asked what it was about and they mentioned that they were expecting a gas shortage.

        It wasn’t long after that when I started seeing all the exits off the interstate that had gas stations were backed up. In some spots, I could see lines of cars waiting to fill up at the stations. By the time I got home, there was news that a lot of stations had run out already.

        I was feeling fortunate that I left when I did and had enough gas to get home. Had I left even an hour later than I did, things could have been a lot more stressful.