Everyone should make one of these

  • @AcediaOP
    65 months ago

    This is full on satire. That’s the actor Ralph Fiennes in the movie The Menu. The name phonetically sounds like “Just in Case”.

    • @Stovetop
      5 months ago

      I would trust his character (Julian Slowik) to be president. Man would do what needs to be done and then peace out when he is no longer needed. A champion of the working class who understands the cycle of oppression perpetuated by the ruling class. He would serve revolution on a plate.

      !As long as we can overlook all of the sexual assault in his history.!<

      • @AcediaOP
        35 months ago

        !As long as we can overlook all of the sexual assault in his history.!<

        Isn’t this the new norm?

        • @KnitWit
          35 months ago

          Same as the old norm