No complaints from anyone at my office. I haven’t heard anything from the general public either. There must be enough people affected because Microsoft noted the issue on the page for the update, but I have no idea who or where they are.
Our sister company had their VPN broken by this and we had to switch to another system. Even though it wasn’t a particularly secure VPN (IPSec), the builtin Windows VPN was extremely reliable and convenience compared to shit like Pulse.
Okay quick question::
All vpns?
Or is there a list of affected v unaffected??
Don’t trust every “article” on some shitty website.
Well yeah. That’s kinda the point I was trying to make…
“It breaks VPNs!!”
Name one….
Oh yeah like a whole bUnCh!!!
Name…… one…
—- and in two articles I’ve seen they still have not named one. Great work there “journalists”
No complaints from anyone at my office. I haven’t heard anything from the general public either. There must be enough people affected because Microsoft noted the issue on the page for the update, but I have no idea who or where they are.
The System’s VPN imementation is broken. All of them are broken.
So like, the 0 that use that implementation. Like really, IPsec? No openvpn support? No wireguard support? What is this, 2004?
tbh if you managed to buy into meraki you deserved it
anyways, look at this christmas tree out of meraki gear:

It’s a crap platform, but it’s the company’s fault.
Just like the windows laptop.
Our sister company had their VPN broken by this and we had to switch to another system. Even though it wasn’t a particularly secure VPN (IPSec), the builtin Windows VPN was extremely reliable and convenience compared to shit like Pulse.
Somehow I don’t think you are the beacon of corporate experience here
It’s okay sweetie, you’ll grow up some day :)
In fairness, Surfshark appears still to work.