Looking for another part time job. the vast majority of these available jobs read like the creepy listing where some guy is looking for a roommate but is specifically looking for female roommates only.

Just gross.

  • @HootinNHollerin
    10 months ago

    Grateful for the California law that requires every job post to include the salary range

    Also from my recent experience most companies won’t agree to start you at more than 70% of that range as they want to be able to give raises before having to promote you

    • @LemmyKnowsBest
      10 months ago

      The last California job I applied for and got, imagine my surprise when I experienced their advertised salary range was a bold blatant lie.

      I lasted 4 months there before I had a nervous breakdown. Yeah that’s how I deal with difficult life experiences. Nervous breakdowns. It has served me well so far in life. I got a better job.