I get the feeling most of the critics to this post don’t actually live in the US. When it’s you, your family and your friends in danger of being shipped off to the death camps, no amount of philosophical masturbation matters in comparison.
I’m trans and live in the US, I just also have an actual spine.
The way people talk about Palestinians today is the way they’ll talk about trans people tomorrow. Based on the logic of lesser-evilism, if the next election comes down to a democrat who wants to genocide trans people, and a republican who wants to genocide trans people and some other group(s), then you’ll deploy the exact same arguments about supporting “lesser genocide.” No one is safe once we accept this logic, at that point it’s all about trying to shift to target onto another group’s back to protect yourself.
Solidarity isn’t just about doing the right thing, it’s a practical survival strategy. It’s about different groups banding together and recognizing that an attack on one is an attack on all, and that no amount of genocide towards any group is acceptable.
Get a clue, buddy. “I’m trans and Biden bad, China good.” So you do support genocide.
The weird part is you think having Donald win will turn the US into communism instead of a capitalist authoritarian hellscape. Or, I suppose you think that will topple America so that “Socialism with Chinese characteristics” can expand across the world?
Protip, genius: the “Chinese characteristics” are capitalism. They still have billionaires.
How many Native Americans had The USA killed? Because they are still regulated to Reservations and have no real Representation in Congress to this day.
I’m not “blind” to that at all! I’m fully aware of it!
I’d rather die as someone who opposed genocide, than live as someone who didn’t
In the long run, if minority groups are being picked off one by one, and Democrats keep following Republicans to the right, then… it’s inevitable that we’ll be targeted sooner or later!
No one who supports genocide for political expediency will ever have my back! How could it be politically advantageous to stick their neck out for such a small minority? There’s only one way: if different minorities band together and treat an attack on one as an attack on all!
Being Complicit with the Genocide of Transfolks IS NOT having Zero Tolerance for Genocide
Furthermore, Its a hell of alot harder for minorities to band together when they are actively being genocided. Voting for the lesser of two evils allows for that Solidarity to form and expand. Voting will never directly bring about Socialism in America, but voting can give the working class time for Class Conciousness to form that will inevitably lead to that outcome.
Voting IS NOT a purity test, it is a dirty tool that must be used until other tools can be put in place to allow the workers to seize the means of production.
Biden’s lack of action on Israel’s brutal campaign in Palestine is not something I support. And if the public could pressure him to cutting aid and assistance to Israel until they cease and start providing actual care for those displaced and not tent cities I’d be the first in line to support that action.
But allowing the other guy who actually establish actual concentration camps on the border to illegally detain and abuse refugees that fled hundreds of miles for a chance at a better and honest life is totally unacceptable. All the terrible and worst thing Biden had done in office, and there has definitely been a few, amount to nothing that trump did in a typical week. And that was before he really pursued ideas of being a full authoritarian dictator out to wipe his ass with the constitution and make sure he ruled for life. Trump got more people killed during Covid than Israel’s attempt at genocide. So no, its not disingenuous to say Trunp is dangerous for everybody if he somehow gets back into office and instead of a prison cell where he belongs.
Biden has been providing Israel with billions of dollars of unconditional military aid!
If a murderer was in the midst of killing people, and someone comes up and hands them more guns and ammunition… That person would obviously be an accomplice! There’s nothing “passive” about it!
But there’s an even bigger problem with this testimony: if Biden is only “passively” involved in genocide… Then why is he protecting Netanyahu from the ICC?
Spent all night last night watching student protestors get their heads bashed in and catching facefuls of bear mace from modern day brown shirts, then come here and get told to vote so that doesn’t happen. Bizarro world.
I live in the US, born and raised. I am queer and a racial minority as well as very politically active. I and everyone I know will be refusing to vote for Biden. He has made nothing meaningfully better since Trump and in fact has made things worse. Regardless of that, I can’t in good conscience vote for someone aiding a genocide. I think everyone who is voting for Biden in the US must be very privileged and unaware or otherwise removed from the effects of the severe decline in living standards under his administration. But even if that weren’t true… he’s aiding a literal mass-child-murder genocide, and by voting for him, I’d feel like I was giving my approval for such a heinous, despicable thing. I wish the democrats had put forward a decent human being that I could vote for, but they didn’t, and I can’t. The US is sliding towards fascism and if you think that won’t keep happening just because the blue team puts their geriatric genocidal guy at the top, I think you’re painfully naive.
No way! Surely the fella who kicked off his term with a “Muslim ban” would have saved all the Palestinians! It’s not like he wants Israel to “finish the job” or anything like that. Surely the fella who tweeted nuclear threats against Iran would have been the best choice to have in office when they fired their rockets.
I think they genuinely want Trump and for him cause generational suffering (judge appointments) which in their mind will eventually lead to reforms decades down the road. They are perfectly willing to sacrifice people now for that chance later.
This cosplayer doesn’t want no fascism, they want full fascism. They want another “Muslim ban” and they want Israel to “finish the job.”
They also want Repubs to pass more laws like banning anything mentioning LGBT from schools. Force teachers who mention anything of the sort to register as sex offenders.
I get the feeling most of the critics to this post don’t actually live in the US. When it’s you, your family and your friends in danger of being shipped off to the death camps, no amount of philosophical masturbation matters in comparison.
I’m trans and live in the US, I just also have an actual spine.
The way people talk about Palestinians today is the way they’ll talk about trans people tomorrow. Based on the logic of lesser-evilism, if the next election comes down to a democrat who wants to genocide trans people, and a republican who wants to genocide trans people and some other group(s), then you’ll deploy the exact same arguments about supporting “lesser genocide.” No one is safe once we accept this logic, at that point it’s all about trying to shift to target onto another group’s back to protect yourself.
Solidarity isn’t just about doing the right thing, it’s a practical survival strategy. It’s about different groups banding together and recognizing that an attack on one is an attack on all, and that no amount of genocide towards any group is acceptable.
How are you blind to the fact that Republicans currently want to genocide trans folk…
Because they’re delusional. There are some love letters to China in their history. I guess genocide is fine if it’s against Uighurs, huh?
Do you have any
to support this testimony?Get a clue, buddy. “I’m trans and Biden bad, China good.” So you do support genocide.
The weird part is you think having Donald win will turn the US into communism instead of a capitalist authoritarian hellscape. Or, I suppose you think that will topple America so that “Socialism with Chinese characteristics” can expand across the world?
Protip, genius: the “Chinese characteristics” are capitalism. They still have billionaires.
Do you have any
to support this testimony?I oppose Donald Trump for the exact same reasons I’ve stated for opposing Joe Biden… because he supports genocide!
Hold it!
Are you saying that you consider Deng’s market reforms to be a right-wing deviation, and that you support hard-line Maoism?
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How many Native Americans had The USA killed? Because they are still regulated to Reservations and have no real Representation in Congress to this day.
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False dilemma
I’m not “blind” to that at all! I’m fully aware of it!
I’d rather die as someone who opposed genocide, than live as someone who didn’t

In the long run, if minority groups are being picked off one by one, and Democrats keep following Republicans to the right, then… it’s inevitable that we’ll be targeted sooner or later!
No one who supports genocide for political expediency will ever have my back! How could it be politically advantageous to stick their neck out for such a small minority? There’s only one way: if different minorities band together and treat an attack on one as an attack on all!
And that means zero tolerance for genocide!
Being Complicit with the Genocide of Transfolks IS NOT having Zero Tolerance for Genocide
Furthermore, Its a hell of alot harder for minorities to band together when they are actively being genocided. Voting for the lesser of two evils allows for that Solidarity to form and expand. Voting will never directly bring about Socialism in America, but voting can give the working class time for Class Conciousness to form that will inevitably lead to that outcome.
Voting IS NOT a purity test, it is a dirty tool that must be used until other tools can be put in place to allow the workers to seize the means of production.
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Biden’s lack of action on Israel’s brutal campaign in Palestine is not something I support. And if the public could pressure him to cutting aid and assistance to Israel until they cease and start providing actual care for those displaced and not tent cities I’d be the first in line to support that action.
But allowing the other guy who actually establish actual concentration camps on the border to illegally detain and abuse refugees that fled hundreds of miles for a chance at a better and honest life is totally unacceptable. All the terrible and worst thing Biden had done in office, and there has definitely been a few, amount to nothing that trump did in a typical week. And that was before he really pursued ideas of being a full authoritarian dictator out to wipe his ass with the constitution and make sure he ruled for life. Trump got more people killed during Covid than Israel’s attempt at genocide. So no, its not disingenuous to say Trunp is dangerous for everybody if he somehow gets back into office and instead of a prison cell where he belongs.
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It’s hilarious when you fascist simps go mask off.
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“Passively?” “Second hand?”
If a murderer was in the midst of killing people, and someone comes up and hands them more guns and ammunition… That person would obviously be an accomplice! There’s nothing “passive” about it!
But there’s an even bigger problem with this testimony: if Biden is only “passively” involved in genocide… Then why is he protecting Netanyahu from the ICC?
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Ah, yet another tankie pretending to be an enlightened leftist.
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So enlightened that they assume everyone’s from the US. Most enlightened.
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Lol, you pretending to be a leftist while being a tankie has nothing to do with me reading the post.
Since you seem to have the answer to everything, in November, who should people vote for?
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So what exactly is your glorius leader and govt doing then if you want to high horse this
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He’s actively blocking attempts to have netanyahu prosecuted by the ICC. About as far from “lack of action” as you could get.
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Spent all night last night watching student protestors get their heads bashed in and catching facefuls of bear mace from modern day brown shirts, then come here and get told to vote so that doesn’t happen. Bizarro world.
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Bro where the fuck were you when unmarked federal agents were going around Portland attacking protestors and arresting people with out charges for protesting https://www.npr.org/2020/07/17/892277592/federal-officers-use-unmarked-vehicles-to-grab-protesters-in-portland
I live in the US, born and raised. I am queer and a racial minority as well as very politically active. I and everyone I know will be refusing to vote for Biden. He has made nothing meaningfully better since Trump and in fact has made things worse. Regardless of that, I can’t in good conscience vote for someone aiding a genocide. I think everyone who is voting for Biden in the US must be very privileged and unaware or otherwise removed from the effects of the severe decline in living standards under his administration. But even if that weren’t true… he’s aiding a literal mass-child-murder genocide, and by voting for him, I’d feel like I was giving my approval for such a heinous, despicable thing. I wish the democrats had put forward a decent human being that I could vote for, but they didn’t, and I can’t. The US is sliding towards fascism and if you think that won’t keep happening just because the blue team puts their geriatric genocidal guy at the top, I think you’re painfully naive.
Ok but do you seriously think trump would have handled Gaza any differently? I think he would have handled it even worse.
No way! Surely the fella who kicked off his term with a “Muslim ban” would have saved all the Palestinians! It’s not like he wants Israel to “finish the job” or anything like that. Surely the fella who tweeted nuclear threats against Iran would have been the best choice to have in office when they fired their rockets.
But would you rather have Trump? Because that’s what will happen if all the people who don’t like either party too much don’t vote.
I think they genuinely want Trump and for him cause generational suffering (judge appointments) which in their mind will eventually lead to reforms decades down the road. They are perfectly willing to sacrifice people now for that chance later.
Who are you voting for then that will help keep Trump out of office?
This cosplayer doesn’t want no fascism, they want full fascism. They want another “Muslim ban” and they want Israel to “finish the job.”
They also want Repubs to pass more laws like banning anything mentioning LGBT from schools. Force teachers who mention anything of the sort to register as sex offenders.
The US has done been fascist, its about voting for the fascist that will do the least harm.
Absolutely wild that you’re getting downvoted for this. Head in the sand behavior.