
How are these people not embarrassed they voted for Biden? That they used their giant platform to advocate voting for a murderer

Now these Dem ops like Hasan going to make posts like this all the way until November until he votes for Biden and tells his audience to do so again

How do anyone take these clowns seriously?

Source: https://twitter.com/SocialistMMA/status/1785636121025593748

    • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
      -25 months ago

      I would have taken a bit more time when posting this type of meme…

      Do not get me wrong liberals will forsure upvote it, lemmy tends to seem liberal/conservative (obama/biden types).

      Let us not forget how people acted when Trump was in power. Biden is the president, no need to act like he has no power.

      • @jordanlund
        75 months ago

        Biden has no power over state police officers. Stop pretending he does.

        • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
          -35 months ago

          No one is pretending on anything…

          I would suggest to stop pretending that being the President of the United States has little to no power…

          Do you know how US politics work, you can use your influence to change how things are, influence is one of the major benefits of being president…

          • @elbucho
            55 months ago

            So, hey. I think you’re a good person. That being said, I would very much like for you to tell me how the president of the US can control the actions of a particular state’s police via policy ahead of an unknown incident. A good example of this would be: how would Biden have prevented Missouri police from beating a particular professor to the point that he suffered broken ribs and a broken hand during a protest in 2024? Is there some policy he could have pushed through congress, or some executive order he could have effected that would have prevented that? Please tell us what he could have done to prevent it, and if it is a very obvious thing, which candidate for president in 2020 that would have obviously taken those steps in Biden’s stead.

            I appreciate your attention to this matter! Us completely uninformed voters are grateful to your wisdom!