
How are these people not embarrassed they voted for Biden? That they used their giant platform to advocate voting for a murderer

Now these Dem ops like Hasan going to make posts like this all the way until November until he votes for Biden and tells his audience to do so again

How do anyone take these clowns seriously?

Source: https://twitter.com/SocialistMMA/status/1785636121025593748

  • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
    5 months ago


    • know->now

    I do not see it in that matter.

    Avg voters do not care as much on current legal trouble Trump is going through as well.

    From talking to people and looking at independent people, it seems that Trump has risen in popularity.

    I see most of our past presidents as war criminals that just grow in wealth as they are in office and when they leave office.

    It took me a while but I now know more of why people fall for Trumps ways, and similar to Biden as well.

    Yes, Trump will not help either, Zionism will keep being a problem, just by looking at what Biden/Trump and their Admin has done in the past.

    • @elbucho
      25 months ago

      I do not see it in that matter.

      I’m sorry - how in the name of fuck do you not see it in that matter? Were you living in the underground bunker Saddam Hussein was hiding in during Trump’s 4 years in office? Do you not remember the daily breaking news stories about how president dipshit embarrassed the US again with his idiotic foreign policy blunders, or how he played dick measuring contests with nuclear-armed thin-skinned despots? Do you not remember him appointing 3 people to lifetime appointments in the Supreme court who would go on to repeal Roe v Wade, and who likely will continue going on to repeal Obergefell v Hodges (and maybe rule that the president is immune from all actions taken in office, up to and including ordering the assassination of his political rivals)? Do you not remember how through his sheer ineptitude, he caused the deaths of several hundred thousand Americans during the pandemic?

      Seriously, man. What the fuck is wrong with you? None of this shit was in the distant past. How could you have lived through it and not been deeply affected by it, especially given the fact that you seemingly “pay attention to politics”?

      • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
        15 months ago

        Standing up and acting like Trump is the most evil of evil will not make me see you in the moral high ground, or anyone for that matter, I just see you as someone that still believes the stutas quo talking points, owner class propaganda pushed talking points.

        We know and I have learned that Trump is just a symptom of the major systematic problems our society and gov’t have, even after he and Biden are gone, more people like them will continue to follow in their foot steps due to voting for the status quo.

        Many of what you talk about has been spoken again and again in the main stream media, that is what is pushed to scare people into being a Blue MAGA (Vote Blue No Matter Who, even during a genocide).

        I will not frame it in the matter you did, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”, I just also see you as still needing to keep learning from people that share diverse ideas.

        Hopefully as we grow and learn, from talking to working class people and people outside of our politics circles, will you one day be able to come to understand what I am trying to explain.

        I know we may have differences in how we see the world, but thank you for taking the time to critize and question what I say!

        This should help people have a small peek into seeing diverse ideas of people you are not used to seeing!