
How are these people not embarrassed they voted for Biden? That they used their giant platform to advocate voting for a murderer

Now these Dem ops like Hasan going to make posts like this all the way until November until he votes for Biden and tells his audience to do so again

How do anyone take these clowns seriously?

Source: https://twitter.com/SocialistMMA/status/1785636121025593748

  • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
    05 months ago

    True, I tend to generalize and stick to the talking point where people can see where I stand on certain topics.

    1. First paragraph, not statement… Biden/Trump will not change too much of the status quo, but some of what Trump did and how he ran should have taught the current admin things that would work. I guess that only worked because Trump was an ‘outsider’ and was not afraid to go against the RNC, to a certain degree. Do not get me wrong, I still see Biden/Trump more similar than different when it comes to changing the status quo.

    2. AOC/Bernie sentence was more of an example showing that the democrats are not ‘left’, they are just really good at pretending to be. Bernie Sanders was just in the race to sheep herd people back into the blue team.

    You can not change the system from within, the system will change you. Example: Justice Democrats, AOC is the new Nancy Pelosi (mama bear is no bueno, just another life long politician that pushes for the status quo at the end of the day).

    1. Long term vs short term, I see Jill stein as a great stepping stone. The more people that leave the duopoly the better for the long run. Nationial election is not the big all, I and those that I share push for local and direct action in our communities.

    2. The duopoly is ‘evil’, while also looking at RFK Jr. being in that same camp. 3rd party candidates are proven to be more trust worthy and willing to fight to change the status quo, just looking at their past and present politics. I have shared the 3rd party debates on some communities on lemmy if you would like to see what they have to offer.

    3. Richard Wolff, Chris Hedges, and Yanis Varoufakis do have theoretical and real world solutions to help us change the status quo. Some of what they said is what brought me to change my views on politics as a whole and my involvement in my community. I share their diverse ideas on lemmy so people can learn and improve on their ideas, while also seeing what they are doing to change the current system.

    • @elbucho
      5 months ago

      Ok, I think we’re talking past each other here. Your response to this post (and a couple others) indicates to me that you don’t place a lot of importance on the role of a president. For example, you directly say in this post:

      Nationial election is not the big all

      Biden/Trump will not change too much of the status quo

      You can not change the system from within, the system will change you

      And all of that would be fine, except the whole reason we’re having this conversation in the first place is that you posted this picture with the title:

      How are these people not embarrassed they voted for Biden? That they used their giant platform to advocate voting for a murderer

      So… how do you square asking how the people who voted for Biden are not embarrassed by the fact that they voted for Biden with your seeming apathy about who actually becomes president? As Sesame Street used to say, “one of these things is not like the other”.

      • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
        15 months ago

        One of the major advantages of being president is using their influence to change the status quo, we know Trump/Biden will not do this to help the wokring class.

        That is why, some in my circles do not see the president as our saviors that will fix all our problems, we push for being closer to this mantra:

        We should focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach. If you do engage in Electoral Politics do not support the Duopoly (Red or Blue Team). No War but Class War!

        This would have a much bigger impact in our communities and in helping the working class people!

        This post and some others I share are to push back against the Lemmy status quo politicial views, which are to help people see diverse ideas instead of the same stuff that keeps being posted.

        I hope this has helped you understand a bit more of why I posted this twitter post, and will continue to do so, while also taking the time to try and explain a different political view point so you may have a bit more of understanding when you try to ‘step in my shoes’ per se.

        Thank you for contiuing this conversation, I hope this has helped you in starting to question and critize what the status quo pushes, either it being Trump/Biden and the owner class!