As most of you know, HL3 is pretty much the most popular “vaporware” game out there. Something always rumored and in development, but never heard again after a certain point.

What I don’t understand is why Gabens refusal to expand on the halted development of this game, it would’ve smashed sales absolutely and be the shining example in the modern gaming scene.

It just doesn’t make sense, you’d think a games firm would be smacking it’s lip ready for another full plate of gamers wallets.

Is it because the hype train is dangerous? Does Gaben prefer steam sales more?

What are your thoughts!

  • @gaylord_fartmaster
    310 months ago

    It was, devs just realized they don’t have to break the content up into episodes or actually complete the first part they release, and can call it early access instead.

    • @ampersandrew
      410 months ago

      The real problem is that you can’t create content fast enough to reach the cadence that you’d want with episodic content. Even a lot of TV shows have shifted away from predictable scheduling since Valve tried this experiment (and TV, largely, got better since then too).