• @Ledivin
    331 month ago

    despite the genocide!

    As if the other option isn’t also genocide 🙄

    • @PopOfAfrica
      1 month ago

      Why is it so hard to ask for an option that isn’t genocide?

      • @Ledivin
        31 month ago

        Because a First-Past-The-Post voting system doesn’t care about your ideals. Until we have a different system, literally your only hope of effecting change is to vote for one of the two partied candidates and work locally to influence your party from the bottom-up.

        Voting third party doesn’t send a message you want it to send. It doesn’t send any message at all except “I approve of whatever you choose for me.”

      • Fire Witch
        1 month ago

        Because capitalism profits from genocide. The question then is, are you ok with diet Palestinian genocide or would you prefer the supersized Palestinian genocide combo with a side of homegrown genocide?

      • @[email protected]
        -71 month ago

        There are 2 sets of voters in this nation.

        Those who want to solve the problems we face, and those who just want to kick the can down the road for someone else while rich people get richer.

        If you vote for republicans or democrats, you’re in the latter camp.

        It really puts things into perspective when you think about it like this.

        • @Ledivin
          1 month ago

          What problem do you believe you’re solving by making it easier for Trump to take office?

          Are you offended that women still have some control over their reproductive health, and you need to see that eroded further?

          Is it a problem that we aren’t allowed to sexually assault people without repurcussion?

          Do you see issues with people still being allowed to vote?

          Do you hate legal immigrants, which have consistently lost rights and been victimized by the Republican party over the past few administrations?

          Do you dislike your ability to relatively-freely travel abroad, due to our many alliances?

          Do you wish we had a giant wall that has been proven ineffective by virtually every single study on the subject, including GOP-backed ones?

          Do you wish we were helping Israel commit genocide even harder than they already are?

          • @[email protected]
            -21 month ago

            My issue is that while we squabble over social issues, the ruling class fucks us with fiscal ones.

            Greed and the growing disparity in wealth is the worst issue we face as a species.

            If Biden wins we lose. If Trump wins we lose harder. Each option results in a loss because we don’t want actually want to address the disparity in wealth.

            • @Ledivin
              1 month ago

              If Biden wins we lose. If Trump wins we lose harder.

              …and you think we need to lose harder?

              Or do you actually believe that the system that has had the same outcome literally every single election has a chance to produce a different result? How many third-party candidates have received more than 1.5% of the vote? I’ll help: exactly FOUR in the past HUNDRED YEARS.

              Or do you actually just want Trump to win and are using your enlightened centrist persona to disguise that fact?

              • @[email protected]
                1 month ago

                I think a slow loss is still a loss and we shouldn’t cheer when people like Biden get elected over people like Bernie.

                If you notice, the disparity in wealth is still growing at an increasing-rate. That’s why “the economy is doing good.” Not for me or you. But for the rich people who control who we can vote for.

                The minuscule amount of support for third parties exemplifies the number of people who actually want to reduce the disparity in wealth.

                It really puts into perspective who is a useful idiot, and who is not.

        • BarqsHasBite
          1 month ago

          If you want to move the Overton window, you vote. That’s the perspective you need.

          • @[email protected]
            -11 month ago

            The Overton window is not something that can be changed electorally. Candidates can only get on the ballot in the first place if they’re within the Overton window, as anybody outside the window is “radical” or “extreme”, and the existing political powers forbid their candidacy. The electoral window is moved outside the electoral process, and only then can the electoral system permit new candidates with new ideas.

            • BarqsHasBite
              21 month ago

              Lol yes it can. Why are we having idiotic discussion to disband the EPA? Because Trump won an election. That moved the Overton window, drastically at that. Why can’t Biden do ______? Because the Republicans still have a very real chance of winning. When the GOP has no chance of winning, then the Overton window can move more.

            • @Ledivin
              01 month ago

              So… were just ignoring the current candidates? And the current debates and policies that each have pushed?

            • BarqsHasBite
              01 month ago

              How do you get that? By moving the Overton window. And how do you get that? By VOTING. But it seems you want to yell at a cloud instead. Something tells me you’ll just keep at this ‘whoo is me’, so I’m out.

              • @[email protected]
                130 days ago

                Wrong. The party that can “move left” went to court to assert their right to do what they want regardless of voters, and have an equal hand in moving the goalposts anytime a third party comes close to the requirements for inclusion. Hell, just look at their messaging - they don’t even talk about Republicans or their policies, they just namedrop trump then blame leftists for all their woes.

                “MoVe ThE oVeRtOn WiNdOw (even though they openly and pointedly snipped completely off anything left of mid right genocide Joe)”

                The answer is guillotines and anyone who says otherwise are well off liberals who would rather have Trump than redistribute wealth and resources.

          • @PopOfAfrica
            -31 month ago

            Meanwhile, the Overton window has been shifting right radically. Seems like this lesser of two evils nonsense is actually doing the opposite of what you claim.

            • BarqsHasBite
              1 month ago

              Moved because Trump won an election. But you want to suggest that’s just random? C’mon.

              *Btw it’s moving the Overton window, not lesser of two evils as you want to put it. You want policy number 426? You have to vote for policy 1 first. You have to walk before you can run.

              • @PopOfAfrica
                1 month ago

                What are you talking about? We have been moving rightward ever since the Clinton administration, baring a handful of social issues. Are you genuinely telling me that we are more left leaning now than we were under the new deal politics before Reagan?

                All we’ve progressed in is gay and civil rights, which is good. Economically and by most other metrics, we’ve slid Faaaaar to the right.

                It’s not a good look for your position on slow incremental change that the entire apparatus can collapse in one election.

                • BarqsHasBite
                  1 month ago

                  You said radical, that was Trump. You think Clinton change was radical? No that was Trump. Can’t forget Bush either! You know the one that lied his way into war. But you want to suggest everything was all Clintons fault or something? C’mon be better than this weird game you’re playing. Like really, do you think it would be more right or more left without Bush and Trump? That’s the Overton window.

                  BTW Clinton had to be moderate because he was going against an incumbent.

                  Yeah I could go over different issues, but you’re already trying to poopoo them away. So I’ll broadly address economics with we have regulated capitalism. One party wants to remove regulation (Gop because I think you’re trying to be obtuse) and be entirely free for all, no EPA or anything. And one wants proper regulation (again, Dems because think you’re trying to be obtuse).

                  And because or your silly weird games, I’m out.

        • @[email protected]
          11 month ago

          You are truly privileged that you don’t need to worry about more utterly corrupt Fundamentalists on SCOTUS.

        • @[email protected]
          01 month ago

          Self-righteous bullshit. I want to solve problems someday and that’s precisely why I vote for Democrats. Letting Trumpists take over now will make any progress vastly harder for the foreseeable future.

          • @[email protected]
            01 month ago

            You’re one of the latter.

            Let me know when democrats start supporting policies that reduce the disparity in wealth.

            We saw everything we needed to see with Bernie. Neither establishment party cares about regular, working class people.

            • @Ledivin
              21 month ago

              Ah, so since one of your two options doesn’t give you everything you want, you’ve decided that you’re okay with the one that wants to take away everything you have. Cool story, good luck with that.

              • @[email protected]
                31 month ago

                No, it doesn’t have to be everything I want.

                It has to be supporting policies that reduce the disparity in wealth, not exacerbate it.

                Looking at how many people actually vote for 3rd parties puts into perspective how many people actually want to solve this issue.

                Also, try letting people use their own words. You were wrong about your assumptions and hyperbole, but i think instead of admitting you’re wrong you’re just going to assume more.

                • @Ledivin
                  1 month ago

                  Looking at how many people actually vote for 3rd parties puts into perspective how many people actually want to solve this issue.

                  …effectively no-one, as far as country-wide population statistics are concerned? What percentage of the vote went third-party in the last three elections? Gary Johnson (8 years ago) got a whole 3%, and that was massive compared to anyone in the past 30 years… basically unprecedented. Those numbers barely broke 1% last time.

                  • @[email protected]
                    21 month ago

                    Yes. That’s my point. A ridiculously minuscule amount of people actually want to reduce the disparity in wealth.

                    Support for 3rd parties exemplifies that.

            • @AbidanYre
              01 month ago

              Let me know when another party gets more than a single digit percent of the vote.

              • @go_go_gadget
                21 month ago

                We’re working on it. Demonstrating the Democratic party is no longer viable is our current strategy.

                But, you know if moderate and liberal voters wanted to show up in force at these protests that might not be necessary.