Mine has to be Dragon Quest: Rocket Slime, a DS spin off of the Dragon Quest series that sees you playing as a slime operating a tank and rescuing the people from your town. You run around the overworld, collecting items to use as ammunition and saving money to upgrade your tank. The art and music are just as great as you’d expect from the Dragon Quest series. It made fantastic use of the DS’s dual screens. It’s also written for a younger audience, so a lot of it is just really silly and fun! Try it out for sure, I’m so sad there’s no sequel :(

  • @theragu40
    11 year ago

    I love hearing that others have memories of these games! I actually kind of forgot how great the 3D effects are in super tennis. I need to go back and play it again, it’s been many years.

    Super Play Action Football is indeed football of the american variety. I have no idea if it will appeal to someone who isn’t a fan of the sport but it’s a fun approximation and IMO it stood out from the very crowded pack of that era.