    5 months ago

    I’m just shocked that the NYPD didn’t kill 50% of the people arrested. Most useless bunch of assholes on planet earth.

    I say this as a NY’er and as a person whose personal experiences with them have taught me that they’re absolute trash

    • @disguy_ovahea
      85 months ago

      They’re bullies with badges, that only stop playing on their phone long enough to harass a POC.

    • @MintyFresh
      75 months ago

      Man, forget evil for a second. Every interaction I’ve ever had with the police I’ve ever had has left me feeling the ghost busters would be more effective. Just fucking pointless

      • Dangdoggo
        15 months ago

        @UncleLuck you must not be being sarcastic. You are also a fucking moron.

                • @[email protected]
                  215 months ago

                  Holy shit guys, take a breath and figure out what you’re arguing about.

                  ME5SENGER_24’s comment was technically unclear (yes I think it reads the way they intended it to, but I can see how it could be read the other way), and (des)mosthenes thought that “Most useless bunch of assholes on planet earth’” referred to the protestors, therefore thought the comment seems like it is wishing that the cops had killed 50% of them.

                  ME5SENGER_24 didn’t realise that their comment could be misconstrued, so lashes out at (des)mosthenes and calls them “fucking stupid”

                  Now they’re both all worked up, mad at each other, and not realising they are on the same fucking side. Just… Take a moment, relax, try to see why someone might be confused, and talk it through. For fucks sake…

                  • @Zahille7
                    105 months ago

                    One thing I’ve been noticing more and more lately, is that Lemmy just seems so damn angry. Everyone is ready to fight everyone else, and they’re all way too eager to deal out their own brand of “justice” to whoever they feel has done wrong by them.

                    Just read some of the comments on this post and you’ll see people ready to kill the cops over this.

                  • @Eheran
                    55 months ago

                    Most people suck, really simple.

                  • Clay_pidgin
                    15 months ago

                    Ohh, I see now how it could have been misread. Good eye, friend. I thought desmostenes was just a butt weasel.

          • Dangdoggo
            65 months ago

            You’re a fucking moron. He was using hyperbole to express his point. If that somehow should exclude him from the conversation in your eyes, you’re the problem.

        • @Eheran
          115 months ago

          Dehumanizing is always bad.

          • @Coreidan
            45 months ago

            You gotta be human first before you can be dehumanized.

            Let’s be real they don’t deserve better.

            • @Eheran
              45 months ago

              Never dehumanize. It is a road that only goes down, there is no upside.

          • @MintyFresh
            35 months ago

            Thank you. Compassion for all things and beings.