stays public for a while after i set it to public, then goes private after a while without me doing anything. I had initially been paranoid thinking Perchance didn’t want my leaderboard up for some reason, but it’s clearly a thing to freely empower people and the ‘going private’ happens more frequently than i think Perchance browses the recent generators page. I have been thinking now, could it be because I copied the ‘bad regexes’ function from the generators page to make chooseable names on the plugin in line with the censoring of the generators page? That is my guess as to the ‘privating’; that it has to do with the code on my page containing tons of ‘bad words’. If so, this is quite the interesting topic. I should like for things I am making for use on multiple people’s pages to have the same default censoring as Perchance Main. That seems, to me, best. If there is censoring in public spaces on Perchance, to have the option for things made for public spaces on Perchance to have the same censoring. That is what I did and I think it is causing my thing to be caught by censors and made private every some number of milliseconds.
Anyway, nice discussion topic. should there be perhaps a global censoring function for Perchance perhaps that anyone can take in to their code, without triggering ‘privating’, that allows them to align their generator or plugin with Perchance censoring?
Is there something else that triggers certain generators to ‘go private’? It has happened to one other of mine that I don’t remember, and Leaderboard v1 and Leaderboard v2, both of which contain the same ‘bad regexes’ code which patrols the generators page generator names. Yet I was making a nsfw word list in Beautiful-people which has never caused it to become private.
Anyway, curious thing that came up. thoughts?
Hmm yeah this is indeed due to a false positive (due to your
as you suspected) in a filter that I’ve added to try to prevent NSFW generators from coming up in /generators. Sorry about this. There have been several other posts about this and I think there’s been enough trouble caused by it that it’s worth disabling for now. Or actually maybe I’ll just look at keywords in the $meta title and description, and we’ll see how that could make an official ‘bad word detector function’ and, if the string matches it exactly, it is overlooked. make the gun that only pwns badppl and cant hurt goodppl slip thru the sensor.
thank you. the purpose is good tho. But yeah, tricky how me wanting to censor to the same standard as you causes my thing to be censored. Maybe there’s a better way. Anyway, thank you.