Alt text: meme with the ‘Always has been’ format Linux, MacOS, OpenBSD and ChromeOS logos on top of the Earth The first astronaut says ‘Wait, it’s all Unix?’ A Windows logo, on top of the second astronaut. The second astronaut says ‘Always has been’ and points a gun to the first astronaut.

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    BSD kernel and is hardware driver policies are still very interesting to use and mess with. I run OPNsense on a device that has recently completely replaced my residential router and it’s fun to realize how complex everything is magically working together on a system that looks and feels familiar but is literally completely alien outside of GNU applications and package manager.

    • Bob Smith
      19 months ago

      When I played around with FreeBSD I was fascinated by Securelevels and file flags. I don’t have any real use for that functionality on the systems that I run, but I probably would’ve thought of something by now if it was a Linux feature.

      • dadarobot
        19 months ago

        Im using freebsd on my nas because it has better zfs support than linux does. Or at least was the case as of a couple years ago.

        Originally i just threw a few extra drives into my old Arch machine, but i noticed my package upgrades were being held back because zfs on linux (or whatever they called it) was dependant on older kernels or something. I cant remember the exact details.

        • Bob Smith
          29 months ago

          I owe myself a fresh install of freebsd on decent, well-supported hardware sometime. I end up shoving it on niche, constrained or old hardware to see if I can get better results than linux. One day, I’ll give it a real rundown on modern hardware.