Yes, I realize how much hate I will get for this. I don’t give a shit. Seethe away, kids.

  • @maaneeack
    258 months ago

    It’s against the TOS to use false information to make a PSN account. So now you’re banned and can’t play the game on steam.

    Sony has an atrocious record of being hacked as well.

    Some of the countries the game was sold in don’t allow PSN accounts to be created. So those users can’t play the game on steam.

    • Chill Dude 69OP
      8 months ago

      Sony has an atrocious record of being hacked as well.


      Unsavory bad-actor types might get access to my THROWAWAY PROTONMAIL ACCOUNT???


      Some of the countries the game was sold in don’t allow PSN accounts to be created. So those users can’t play the game on steam.

      And I have to use a VPN to watch porn in Texas. Go find a fucking Kleenex for either your tears or my VPN-powered fucking jizz load. Or don’t buy a box of Kleenex this month, and you’ll save enough money to afford a premium VPN subscription.

        • Chill Dude 69OP
          8 months ago

          Yeah, whatever. I’m still not wrong.

          Like I said to someone else, in this thread: if you give Sony your real email address that you use for your real personal shit and your real business shit, you deserve for your info to be tracked. Scientists track dumb animals all the time and there’s nothing wrong with that.

          Sony isn’t asking for your fucking SSN and your birth certificate. They’re asking for ANY RANDOM EMAIL ADDRESS THAT YOU HAVE ACCESS TO, SO YOU CAN CLICK AN ACTIVATION LINK.

          I’m not even sure they want you to do that. They might not even ask for activation. I haven’t done it, so I don’t know.

          I only haven’t done it because I don’t play Helldivers 2. Not because I have some kind of principled objection to making a free web account.

          I mean, do you realize how many free web accounts we’ve all made in our lives? Between the years 1997 and 2012, I probably made LITERALLY TENS OF THOUSANDS OF FREE WEB ACCOUNTS. Now you guys are gonna draw a line in the sand for me, and say “hey, now…don’t make any more of those, or you’re a corporate shill.”

          Fine. Whatever. I guess I’m a shill. I’m not going to stop making free accounts for internet shit. That behavior is literally part of my culture.

          EDIT: I think I’m going to go ahead and make myself a PSN account, right now. Even though I don’t play any Sony games that require one. I’m just doing it to make you guys seethe some more.

          • @Flummoxed
            78 months ago

            I’m not really a gamer, so I’m really not fully sure what you are getting at. I just hope you experienced some kind of catharsis with this comment that will help you continue to live your best life as a Chill Dude. Heh, 69.

            • Chill Dude 69OP
              -138 months ago

              The tldr version = people are blowing a gasket, because a game published by Sony is requiring people to create a free account for their online gaming service, even if they bought the game through Steam (the Steam platform has nothing to do with Sony).

              I hold the opinion that it’s not any kind of a big fucking deal to spend 120 seconds giving Sony an email address that you only use for making free web accounts.

              Other people are choosing to absolutely lose their fucking minds, talkin’ about boycotting and whatever. And calling me a corporate shill.

              They’re mostly kids, I assume.

              • @Flummoxed
                58 months ago

                Yes, I would advise to simply disregard these individuals and/or focus on spreading the gospel of how best to make throwaway email accounts. Don’t blow your own gasket! We need more Chill Dudes, not less.

                • Chill Dude 69OP
                  -78 months ago

                  Absolutely good advice. In fact, I’d just replied to another person, basically outlining how a consistent plan to only give out throwaway email addresses could change everything, by making those vast collections of email addresses worthless, on the corporate data-trading market.

                • Chill Dude 69OP
                  8 months ago

                  Like I said to someone else, if the citizens of the UK chose to vote for shitty politicians, they should blame themselves for voting stupidly and their politicians for enacting stupid policy.

                  Nobody should blame Sony for obeying the law.

                  But that’s what people are doing. Because people are fucking stupid.

                  • m-p{3}
                    18 months ago

                    They can blame Sony for forcing them towards their systems, especially if the person in question didn’t vote for the government who enacted those rules.

      • @Sanctus
        98 months ago

        Noticed you glossed the TOS bit. Idk if you know this but they’ll ban you for using a VPN to create an account. So all those regionally locked people that bought it just should not have? A megacorp like Sony who installs fucking rootkits on CDs is a weird company to lick the balls of but go off.

        • Chill Dude 69OP
          8 months ago

          they’ll ban you for using a VPN to create an account

          I assume that means they’ll ban people who play on PS5 through a VPN. That’s not ideal, but that doesn’t apply in this situation. In this case, you just have to make a PSN account, then connect it to your copy of Helldivers 2 ONE SINGLE TIME.

          If I’m wrong, then that does suck. I’ll admit that.

          As for the TOS, who fucking gives a shit? “Ohhh nooooooo, they LIED TO US! A corporation LIED to us!”

          Yeah, no shit. All companies are going to lie to you. All people who do business with you are going to lie to you. All random people you meet a few times are going to lie to you. All your friends are going to lie to you. All your family is going to lie to you. Everyone you ever love or fuck is going to lie to you. LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE PERSON YOU WILL EVER MEET IS GOING TO LIE TO YOU.

          Get that through your head. Or, to put it more bluntly, grow the fuck up.

          Knowing that everybody lies, it’s TRULY a matter of choosing which lies you’re really going to get your nads in a twist about.

          Setting aside the people who might have region-based problems, literally every other person can just GIVE SONY A THROWAWAY EMAIL ADDRESS.

          Getting Sony to store everyone’s worthless email addresses is, if anything, an expense for them. There is no downside, for us.


          • @Sanctus
            8 months ago

            You don’t know what a Terms of Service is? You’d be breaking it in that case, resulting in a ban. They didn’t lie. Its just a shit ass thing to do. Its not a win for anyone. Expect more of this, make 599 million accounts. Enjoy it.

            • Chill Dude 69OP
              -58 months ago

              Here’s what this comes down to.

              I will freely admit that it really does suck for Sony to require people in countries that can’t make a PSN account to…just fuck off, I guess?

              But I know you WON’T admit that it’s fine for everyone ELSE to just make a throwaway account.

              For some reason, you consider 120 seconds of typing an email address into a text box and clicking an activation link to be some kind of ridiculous bar to clear. I just don’t get it. Give them a throwaway email and get on with your fucking life, goddamn.

              • @Sanctus
                58 months ago

                Idk how old you are, but that’s not why I have a steam account, to make more accounts. Its not. If we’re going to do this shit we might as well go back to the wild west of a launcher per game. I’m not making a fake PSN account and getting banned from a game I spent money on and have been playing just fine. That’s bullshit.

                • Chill Dude 69OP
                  -38 months ago

                  There’s no launcher involved. You make a PSN account ONE TIME, then you LINK THAT ACCOUNT to your fucking game.

                  No launchers. No extra services. No nothing.

                  Stop complaining about make-believe shit that only exists inside your own head.

                  • @Sanctus
                    28 months ago

                    You never have anything of value to say. Username never checks out. Go troll someone else ya daft cunt.