Yes, I realize how much hate I will get for this. I don’t give a shit. Seethe away, kids.

  • @breadsmasher
    1410 months ago

    if its such a tiny simple meaningless thing, why even need it in the first place?

    check m8 shill

    • Chill Dude 69OP
      10 months ago

      This is the world we’re making for ourselves. No middle ground between heroic rebel and evil corporate shill.

      Whatever. Keep seething. It just keeps making me more erect.

      EDIT: I’m just saying, this is how people get radicalized. But NOT the way you’re thinking. Not in the socially positive way that you’re thinking of.

      Be mad all you want. I actually don’t care. I’m seriously warning you about this shit where you’re altering your worldview to see “your side” as the heroic good guys, with no faults, and anyone who even SLIGHTLY disagrees with you as one of the evil, evil bad guys.

      It’s not even about the impassioned nature of your views. It’s about ALTERING YOUR PERCEPTION IN A WAY THAT BLINDS YOU FROM REALITY.

      Here’s what it is: I actually don’t care about this issue AT ALL. I don’t even fucking play Helldivers 2, yet.

      I might, at some point. But I dunno. I’m certainly in the key demographic for it. I even played Helldivers 1, which puts me in VERY rare company, compared to all these bandwagon-jumpers, who are now jumping OFF the bandwagon.

      But I digress. The point is, I actually don’t really give a shit about the whole PSN thing. I don’t support it. I’m not mad about it.

      Now, you DEFINE ME as being a corporate shill, on that basis. And that would be fine, in an academic sense. It would be fine, as long as you remembered “I’m the one defining that guy’s beliefs for him, because I feel that anyone who isn’t fighting against the corporate bullshit is actually supporting it.”

      But that’s not how human minds work, in the information-addicted, hyper-connected, echo-chamber-ified social media age.

      That environment is hacking your brain. If you’re not careful, you’re going to wake up one day, having completely forgotten that I’m not really a corporate shill. You’ll forget that you defined those terms, and you’ll TRULY BELIEVE that I am an actual servant of the Sony Illuminati.

      I’m just saying. That’s how we’ve gotten these Q motherfuckers, these flat-earth motherfuckers, these people who worship indicted political candidates. All that shit. Disagree with me all you want, insult me and my stupid face all you want. But don’t call me a shill so much that you actually start to believe it.

      For your sake, more than mine. But for all our sakes, because we don’t need more brainwashed people out here.

          • Chill Dude 69OP
            10 months ago

            Lots of people with a sub-3rd-grade reading level, running around on the Web. It’s getting terrifying. Way more so than Sony asking for your email address.

            But which of those two things is everyone shitting their pants about?

        • Chill Dude 69OP
          -410 months ago

          So many people have reading problems, these days. It’s genuinely sad.