• @ZK686
    -629 days ago

    Is this a joke? I’m probably the ONLY person on this entire site that leans Right, and I’ve been called every name in the book for my opinions because they don’t align with the Left…

    • @[email protected]
      929 days ago

      Yeah but ya aint been banned dumbass. Ya can yap about whatever bullshit ya want without ya gettin banned. Freedom of speech in action fucker, ya can say whatever shit ya want and I can call ya a fucktard.

      The ideal of freedom of speech is to say what ya want, that doesnt mean anyone has to agree, listen, or stay quiet. So keep on yapping and maybe youll make a good point eventually.

    • @[email protected]
      128 days ago

      How many times have you been pepper sprayed or clubbed for sharing your stupid shitty opinions on Lemmy