• @CrowAirbrush
    3227 days ago

    2 weeks? Try every time i open the app.

    • IndiBrony
      1827 days ago

      I go on Microsoft.con:


      Reject all.

      Load another page.

      Yeah but… Cookies?

      Fuck off already!!

      • @toynbee
        627 days ago

        I want to make a joke about that typo, but I don’t want to tease.

        I also want to make a joke about going on microsoft.com being the first mistake, but I know there are occasionally reasons to do so.

        I guess with this comment, I’m trying to have my two cakes and eat them, too.

          • @toynbee
            127 days ago

            Only necessary ones!

            Also, in culinary terms, cake is much more reliably and pleasantly textured than cookies. I expect this to not be a controversial statement in the least.

            • BubbleMonkey
              227 days ago

              Give me a sponge, give me tres leches, give me an angel food or shortcake smothered in fruit. I’d always rather cake than cookies, but keep that frosting shit to yourself. (Ooh I made it spicy ;) )

        • IndiBrony
          127 days ago

          Sadly I noticed the typo then fixed it. Then I saw the funny side myself and reverted the fix 👍

          Yes I went on the site because for some inexplicable reason my email my business account decided it wanted to put my girlfriend’s name as my account name (presumably it did this after she logged in her work account not long ago), and now everyone keeps referring to me by my girlfriend’s name 😂

          I wasn’t sure how to turn it back (turns out the outlook app lacks a LOT of features. Who knew?), and one of the search results linked to Microsoft’s help page.

          Ended up logging in via the browser to fix it. Stupid Microsoft.

          • @toynbee
            227 days ago

            Respect to you for reverting the fix to accommodate the funny.

            • IndiBrony
              127 days ago

              We all have to accommodate the funny. If we didn’t laugh at the world, we’d cry. If I can make just one person chuckle per day, it’s a good day ❤️

              And I’m happy I get to make that comment at 23:59 local time!

              • @toynbee
                27 days ago

                This is a lesson I learned both from the webcomic “Bob and George” and, later, TVTropes. In case either of those are unfamiliar to you, I strongly recommend both, with the caveat that either - especially the latter - can be a tremendous time sink.

          • @toynbee
            127 days ago

            Were I a policy maker, your suggestion would be approved.

      • datendefekt
        527 days ago

        Microsoft: But how am I supposed to know you don’t want cookies without storing 29 cookies on your device?