I’m a foreigner. But I’d still like to know.

  • @[email protected]
    158 months ago

    Do you mean the speech, or the actual current condition of the nation?

    The speech is mostly a tool for the president to have everyone look at them and announce what The Agenda™ for the year should be. Congress doesn’t have to listen, but if the presidents party controls either house, their role as the head of the party pretty much ensures that there will at least be bills proposed on their agenda.
    Usually don’t bother to watch it and instead read the summary unless it’s during a rough time or we have reason to expect something interesting, like the 2021 speech. Lot of infrastructure talk, and we just had some pretty scary things happen.

    • @DandomRudeOP
      48 months ago

      I didn’t meant the speech, but how you see your current situation as citizens of the USA.

      • Cosmic Cleric
        48 months ago

        but how you see your current situation as citizens of the USA.

        Not good. Long gone are the days of Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill having dinner/drinks with each other, after a long day of arguing out new laws.

        We need to get back to that, but the current communications culture does not allow for it. Truth gets obfuscated, so that everybody makes up their own truth instead.

        Those few who disrupt the world order/peace for their own personal wealth/benefit need to understand that there won’t be a world for them to spend money in, if civilization goes down the crapper. The center will not hold.

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