Effects of heat are expected to worsen after bill prohibiting municipalities from enacting shade and water protection is passed

For Javier Torres and other workers whose jobs are conducted outdoors in south Florida, the heat is unavoidable. A new law recently signed by Ron DeSantis, Florida’s Republican governor, that prohibits any municipalities in the state from passing heat protections for workers ensures that it is likely to stay that way.

Torres has seen a co-worker die from heatstroke and another rushed to the emergency room in his years of working in construction in south Florida. He has also fallen and injured himself due to heat exhaustion.

“I work outdoors and have no choice but to work in the heat. I work often in painting and, in the majority of cases, we’re exposed to direct sun and we don’t have shade. Sometimes I feel dizzy and get headaches,” said Torres.

He said employers rarely provide workers with water, leaving workers to ensure they bring enough water to work or find a hose to drink from.

The effects of extreme heat on workers are only expected to worsen due to the climate crisis. Many parts of Florida experienced record heat last year. Orlando hit 100F (37.7C) in August breaking a record set in 1938. The National Weather Service recently issued its outlook for summer 2024, predicting Florida summer temperatures will be warmer than normal.

  • Phoenixz
    2710 months ago

    A new law recently signed by Ron DeSantis, Florida’s Republican governor, that prohibits any municipalities in the state from passing heat protections for workers

    Why? Why would you do this, besides just enjoying torturing people? If you don’t make a state law to protect people, that is one thing. But prohibition municipalities from trying to do so is just plain evil.

    What was his justification for this?

    • @A_Random_Idiot
      10 months ago

      Don’t you know by now?


      Cruelty isnt a sideeffect.

      Cruelty is the core point of action.

      Republicans are all about casual cruelty to anyone and everyone (Thats not them). Why? The same reason disturbed kids torture animals. because they get off on it.

    • @Dlayknee
      1610 months ago

      His excuse was some bs about, “companies should be allowed to decide for themselves without having the government mandate it for them”.

      This, from the same guy who wants the government to decide what aspects of history schools can and cannot teach, or what books libraries can and cannot include.

      Very consistent, Ronny.

    • @Hazor
      1410 months ago

      I don’t know the justification, but I imagine the why is that some wealthy construction company owner asked for it because providing shade/water/whatever would reduce profits, and the bribe costed marginally less than the protecting their employees.

      • Phoenixz
        210 months ago

        Oh sure, I get that. That part is pretty obvious.

        I was just wondering about how he sold this idea to his voters as something positive.

        It’s like… You’ll all get anal probes with raspy tools, and it’s not to check for cancer! Okaaayyy, but how are you ever going to convince people that this is a good thing ™?

      • @A_Random_Idiot
        110 months ago

        They’d bribe even if water and shade was cheaper.

        because its not about the money.

        its about cruelty and putting the peasants in their place.

      • sebinspace
        310 months ago

        Honestly, Nestle should step in and bribe him to require employers to provide water. Just any water, and Nestle would still see a significant increase in sales.