I’m guessing it’s from dry air god me but even with humidifier I always have to blow my nose a bunch of times in the morning. Sometimes my lungs feel tight for a while after waking up. This happen to anybody else? Why does it happen for you?

  • @venusaurOP
    19 months ago

    What’s that condition called? It doesn’t feel deep in my lungs. It just feels stuffy in my sinuses.

    • Devi
      19 months ago

      It’s not one condition, basically when your respiritory system is irritated it produces mucus, that’s why you get a runny nose when you have a cold for example, but anything going weird there can cause this reaction, infections, tumours, anything. When there’s an overproduction of mucus you might not notice when awake and upright as it drains away but when asleep laying down it can build up in certain areas. Your description of having to clear your nose and tightness on the lungs sounds like this could be whats happening and I feel like someone with a medical degree should have a look just to be sure it’s nothing sinister.

      • @venusaurOP
        19 months ago

        for sure. i’ll see what my doctor thinks