The titanic Biden-Trump election likely will be decided by roughly 6% of voters in just six states, top strategists in both parties tell us.

  • @TechNerdWizard42
    410 months ago

    I am almost absolute in that there aren’t undecided voters. Especially today. Ok, maybe like 3 in the whole country that live in a literal cave like a hermit and only popout to vote, where they’ll decide quickly.

    It’s all embarrassment. Just like you can’t like McDonalds, you can’t like your preferred candidate anywhere you exist. Whether that’s being a red hatted MAGA on Fire Island, or a Bernie Bro working on an oil rig. If you say you’re undecided, the other person attaches their bias. If you say you are for the wrong team, you can lose friends, family, and careers.

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      10 months ago

      I wasn’t on an oil rig but I was around a lot of blue-collar MAGA dudes in 2016 who outright told me they liked Bernie because he also hated billionaires and that he was trustworthy, even though they didn’t agree with him on everything.

      And I’m so jealous of undecided voters. Imagine how peaceful it must all be, for politics to be some distant topic that doesn’t affect them. To not get breathless texts from the DNC screaming for money because your name is on a list. To get online and see no politics anywhere, or maybe just subconciously blur it out.

      Makes me want to take a ball peen hammer to my forehead, just to find that kind of peace.

    • Nougat
      110 months ago

      Ok, maybe like 3 in the whole country …

      It should now be evident that people are far stupider than we can imagine.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      I am almost absolute in that there aren’t undecided voters.

      I would guess there are a bunch of undecided voters who are undecided between “Trump or no vote” and “Biden or no vote” rather than “Trump or Biden”. I would guess it’s hard to poll for that, especially if they are mixed, so while a single person may not ever flip between Trump and Biden, a mid-sized group of people could, by changing who votes and who stays at home.

      The thing I’m seeing without ever having seen the US up close is that the Dems seem to think there are a bunch of the latter people staying home because they think Biden is too far to the left, while the internet seems to suggest those people stay at home because he’s too far to the right.