For what i heard, a lot of people on the Linux community use Krita for image manipulation, even though, it’s intended for digital painting, and GIMP is the one intended for image manipulation, because people don’t like the GIMP’s UI.

My issue is, i never understood why they don’t like the GIMP’s UI, since i never have issues with it,(Although it’s probably because i’m used to the UI) so i need to adress this problem and ask you What does the GIMP UI has that you don’t like or hate so much and why you like Krita’s UI over GIMP’s?

Before you event comment your answer i need to ask you to do the following:

  1. Address each specific issue along with an concise and direct explanation of why you don’t like it

  2. Answers such as “I just don’t like it”, “I don’t like where it’s placed” or anything alike doesn’t count as “Concise and Direct”, we are adults, not 4 year old children.

  3. If you can provide a suggestion of how GIMP’s UI can be improved, it would help a lot, and maybe this issue can be solved.

  4. If someone else commented something you were about to comment, upvote them, this way we can address the most common issues effectively.

  5. I need you to watch the screenshots of both UI’s, because something that most people don’t know, it’s how similar Krita and GIMP’s UIs are.

Krita’s UI


(Credits to a friend of mine for lettig me use the screenshots.)

My ideas on how GIMP can improve it’s UI

  1. Adding the option of the new UI selected by default, but with the possibility to switch to the new UI.

  2. Possibly addding “work spaces” like Krita would help too, along with the possibility of exporting and importing them, this way people can have custom arrangements of the UI according to the kind of work they will do.

Thanks for reading and hopefully we can address this issue effectively.

  • @[email protected]
    19 months ago


    Tried them all. They don’t compare.

    There are some that can be replaced easily, like Adobe premier, maybe even after effects. Audacity for sure. Not indesign, Not illustrator, not photoshop. Not only because the alternative are worse, but because everyone else uses Adobe and its incredibly easier to collaborate. If you are a pro in graphic design, like a real pro that these tools are a daily use, you can’t use anything else but Adobe.

    • @RayOfSunlightOP
      9 months ago

      Can’t really compare Commercial Software with FOSS since both have different objectives, Adobe wants to empty your wallet and credit card along with everyone else’s, and FOSS focus on bringing great functioning alternatives

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        I’m sure you can get even more poetic about it without trying too hard, but at the end of the day you still end up with a tool that does the job significantly better and faster than the alternative - a tool that brings more value even though it costs more money.

        • @RayOfSunlightOP
          09 months ago

          Adobe only cares about how much they are squeezing from you, companies are not your friend.

          But dang, you’re hopeless.

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            Your still don’t get it. Adobe brings the user more value, because using their software users are able to work quicker, finishing more work and earning more money. Adobe subscription is negligible. Freelancers earn more in an hour of work. But save a lot more.

            Even people like me, who are for some weird reason especially inclined to use FOSS, we try to dabble in it, every few years check is anything has changed. But it doesn’t. It remains the same. Pros can’t afford not to use the best software and nothing comes close to ps, ai. Sad but true.

            • @RayOfSunlightOP
              19 months ago

              Oh i forgot, Adobe threatened users with taking legal actions against them if they don’t updtae to the lastest version of their software once, DO YOU REALLY THINK THEY CARE ABOUT YOU? 😂

              • @[email protected]
                19 months ago

                Are you off your meds? I’m not taking about who cares about who. I’m pretty sure gimp developers don’t care about me either.

                • @RayOfSunlightOP
                  19 months ago

                  They are not a company, and no, i don’t consume drugs of any kind, they never brought anything good to this world.

            • @RayOfSunlightOP
              19 months ago

              “Brings the user more value”

              What kind of value? You literally don’t own the software, it’s more directed to companies rather than individuals and freelancers, not to mention it gets expensive.

              • @[email protected]
                19 months ago

                I will only repeat this once more : Full Adobe package costs me less than an hour of work per month. Adobe software makes me save more than an hour per month (probably more like an hour per day).

                That is an equation. An equation that favours Adobe against the alternatives.

                There are no feelings here, just an equation of time and money.

                  • @[email protected]
                    19 months ago

                    In hopeless because I prefer to work more efficiently, faster and to make more money instead of less. Yes, I guess I am hopeless in that kind of way.