• @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    I’m ashamed to say not very familiar with her. Looked up wiki and found this.

    One day Mal-2 consulted his Pineal Gland and asked Eris if She really created all of those terrible things. She told him that She had always liked the Old Greeks, but that they cannot be trusted with historic matters. “They were,” She added, “victims of indigestion, you know.” Suffice it to say that Eris is not hateful or malicious. But she is mischievous, and does get a little bitchy at times.[17]

    There is a whole religion on her. Did dems piss her off?

    Probably not Loki. I don’t feel this is his brand.

    • @captainlezbian
      32 months ago

      Yeah she’s similar to Loki, but Loki is more the worst person in your theater group. Loki fucked their way into their problems and by Asgard they’ll fuck their way out of them. At their core Loki is chaotic but borne from insecurity.

      Eris is more “does this dress make my butt look fat?” She just thinks things could be different. Not necessarily better or worse, just different. Eris is chaos born from someone too smart for her own good but not as smart as she thinks and suffering from chronic understimulation.

      Dems do want stability…

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        This is interesting nutshell on 2 chaos gods. Hope they do Eris solid in Hades 2 cause now I’m interested.

        • @captainlezbian
          12 months ago

          It should be noted that my take is more of a modern reinterpretation. Other interpretations of her are as the goddess of conflict and as a counterpart to ares.

          Regardless I do hope she’s in it. I’m already excited for hekate.