I’m guessing it’s from dry air god me but even with humidifier I always have to blow my nose a bunch of times in the morning. Sometimes my lungs feel tight for a while after waking up. This happen to anybody else? Why does it happen for you?

  • @venusaurOP
    126 days ago

    maybe i gotta to back to my allergist for something more permanent.

    • @jeffw
      126 days ago

      There’s no permanent solution? If you mean the shots, you still need to get those regularly…. And that’s just medication anyway lol

      • @venusaurOP
        126 days ago

        But after time your allergies go away. Pills you take indefinitely.

        • @jeffw
          125 days ago

          No? They don’t go away. The shots are literally just injected meds

          • @venusaurOP
            125 days ago

            They’re not. Do a quick google search.