Students arrested during the police crackdown on protests at universities in New York City last week were denied water and food for 16 hours, according to two faculty members at Columbia University’s Barnard College who collected reports from students who were inside.

Other students reported that they were beaten by New York City Police Department officers after their arrests and taken to the hospital for injuries before being returned to central booking. Photos of the injuries were provided to The Intercept.

Other students reported that they were held in mouse-infested cells, along with the general population of the jail. The students told the professors that they weren’t given water or food for 16 hours and that at least one student was left without shoes for the same period of time.

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    Why do so many take articles like this at face value?

    The students who were arrested and sent to jail reported to the two staff members afterwards who then reported to a student-reporter who attends the same University and is a protestoer herself and none of this is biased? All of this is third-person and we need more sources other than the students themselves.

    Everyone who leaves jail complains about the treatment. But now they can now go back to protesting peacefully because it is their right and I’m okay with that, just the vandalism.

    Edit: are we really pretending that a student isn’t an adult? They are adults and not children, right? Where are they supposed to put grown adult college students? Student jail?

    Edit 2: Gosh, we really don’t like pointing out that they were privileged University students that have probably never seen a jail cell and probably. Even the journalist who wrote this is a student from City University.

    The conditions we’re hearing about are inhumane,” Mitra told The Intercept. “They take away the dignity of every person in there.”

    That’s ironic.

    • @IndustryStandardOP
      10 months ago

      Protests against Vietnam war destroyed far more shit. This is like the least shit destroying protest in history.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        Pointless vandalism is still pointless, but at least the antiwar protests in the US were by US citizens and were primarily about opposition to US involvement in a conflict US soldiers had no business being in because there were no US assets at stake.

        These protesters have unrealistic expectations and goals. Just look at the divesting demands. Due to their age, very few of these college kids understand the reality of where the money they want divested is/going/coming from. Direct investments rarely reflect the full scope of a college’s portfolio. Divest from Google, Apple, and Nike then but they won’t ditch their smart phones or shoes.

        I thought they would have learned about this stuff in college.

        • @A_Random_Idiot
          1810 months ago

          Funny how the divesting demands are working at several schools thus far, and funny how the violence and vandalism seem to only be happening at schools that decided to send the jackbooted thugs Police in to crack skulls and beat people for wrongthink.

          Weird how you have completely omitted the polices typical escalation and unnecessary violence from your whinging and denigration of these “kids”

          • @[email protected]
            10 months ago

            User name checks out because this isn’t the flex you think it is.

            Only one college, Evergreen State College, has “agreed” so far to divest any holdings linked with Israel. A few others, like Brown and Northwestern University, have simply said that they will disclose their investment exposure to Israel at a later time.

            And Evergreen’s memorandum that was released by the school simply stated that the student encampment will end in exchange for the school looking into its investments and possibly divesting from Israel. ONCE MORE: Looking into & possibly divesting

            These are what they call stall tactics.

            And stop pretending the protestors didn’t spray paint free gaza, free palestine and intifada this and that all over the walls in the library. That’s pointless vandalism, not protesting.

    • @[email protected]
      2610 months ago

      How were they supposed to inform someone while being in a fucking jail cell?

      Of course they can only report things afterwards.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        First, the point is that the only information comes from a student–journalist (who attends the same University mentioned) who interviewed the two teachers feom the same University who spoke to the students who didn’t like jail.

        Secondly, would it surprise you that everyone in jail has access to a phone?

        • NoIWontPickAName
          1510 months ago

          Would it surprise you to know that that isn’t true and phone privileges are easily revoked.

          This isn’t the movies, you aren’t entitled to a phone call

          • @[email protected]
            10 months ago

            It is obvious that you truly have no idea what you are talking about nor have you been inside of a NY jail in any capacity. The police dont keep people from making phone calls, despite your this isnt the movies line of reasoning. It isn’t a conspiracy to silence the protestors, I promise. I’m also sure they would have reported on that when they spoke to the reporter so we know they weren’t prevented from making phone calls due to any security reason or that would have been reported on as well.

            As to your statement, yes, phones calls are subject to reasonable restrictions related to security but, No, they don’t arbitrarily prevent you from using a phone. There are actual phone kiosks in NYC jails. Hell, all jail phone calls have been free since 2019 (Intro 0741, pass by NYC council) from 7am to 11pm.

            Then there is New York State Assembly Bill 2023-A6484that allows inmates in state and local correctional facilities to make free, confidential phone calls to attorneys and legal service providers.

            Furthermore, Chapter 11-A, Part 2, Title H, Article 120, Section 90, Subsection 8 of New York Criminal Procedural Law is the literal law that entitles anyone arrested in the state of New York to communicate by phone. (Link)

            In New York, if you are arrested or detained, you are legally entitled to a phone call. But please, go ahead and argue.

            Dear Reddit users: downvotes because you dislike facts (with links to state sites) don’t mean anything on Lemmy. Sry, not sry.

            • @barsquid
              310 months ago

              That’s a great point, why wouldn’t they have simply hung out in the phone area calling up the newspapers to complain about food and water while they were in there? That would have made it valid and true compared to post hoc complaints which are invalid and false.

              • @[email protected]
                -410 months ago

                What are you even rambling about? Who said anything about calling up newspapers? My 12 year old nephew has a better reading comprehension then you do.

                Yes, invalid conplaints. The linked article literally says, “according to two faculty members.” The entire article and conversation is based on the the third-hand account from these two faculty members after tapking to the students who were arrested who were upset that they spent a day in jail. Sort of strange that not a single other newspaper or online publication is reporting on this though.

                Also keep in mind that this article was written by a student from City University. The same University that is mentioned in the article. But of course, there is no way the student-reporter is biased at all.

            • @LifeInMultipleChoice
              110 months ago

              These aren’t facts. It is fact that I was kept from a phone call when arrested recently. That would prove everything you are saying is just utter bullshit. It was 16 hours before they even booked me. They simply “forgot.” It wasn’t busy. They ordered pizzas and sat around and chatted. You speak like an authority on something you clearly don’t know about. Time I was supposed to be held, 4 hours. Amount it would cost to sue or charge them for breaking laws/regulations, far more than I could ever afford. The only advice I keep getting is to plead guilty to something I didn’t do.
              Keep spewing what you want to believe is how things work, it won’t make it real though.

    • @barsquid
      1010 months ago

      Every protester in there is innocent from the perspective of the government. No trials have occurred. People like you justifying whatever happens are why police can get away with regular and repeated violations of the Constitution.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        How do so many people lack reading comprehension?

        Where did I justify anything? I simply stated facts and pointed out that the article is written by a student who attended the protest and goes to school at City U. And I said that now they can go protest peacefully, which is their right.

        And it doesn’t matter whose perspective it is. The students were arrested, spent a night in jail, and were released. Minor charges if they don’t get dropped. This story is full of students complaining about how shitty jail was and stretching the truth.

        Do you honestly believe the students, while in admitted general pop, somehow were singled out and not fed? I promise you that those students were forgotten by staff the moment the were booked and treated just like everyone else, which is what the students in the article are complaining about:

        The conditions we’re hearing about are inhumane,” Mitra told The Intercept. “They take away the dignity of every person in there.”

        Yeah, that’s jail in most cities.

        I just wonder why literally no one is reporting on this if even some of it has truth.

        • @barsquid
          10 months ago

          I’m objecting to the “that’s simply jail” attitude. Are you struggling with reading comprehension because you’re in a fit of rage right now? Maybe your twelve-year old nephew can help you out.