• @givesomefucks
    125 months ago

    The reason nothing will change is moderate Dems and Republicans will never get money out of politics, because they’re all taking dirty money.

    That’s how they keep getting elected.

    Google “Eric Adams donors” and every result is a new article talking about how violated campaign laws or old ones talking about how amazing he is for raising so much money

    But the Dem party aren’t going to make a peep about it, despite Adam’s being our own George Santos. Because the people running the NY Dem party are just as corrupt as the average Republican.

    They fought tooth and nail to keep Cuomo, then told us it was fixed when his own people replaced him. Shit didn’t change, just the face

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      All that is true, but who votes for a cop as mayor in nyc on the heels of 2020? I lay a little of this on the NYC voters.

      • @givesomefucks
        55 months ago

        Then you don’t understand a large part of our problem with our politicians is money in primaries and state/national parties heavily influencing the results.

        AIPAC in general throws as much at primaries as general elections these days.

        And it’s very hard to fight dirty money in a primary with only clean money.

        The Democratic party can’t fix general elections, but it could fix it’s own primaries if it wanted to.

        • @Viking_Hippie
          45 months ago

          Add that all major NY media outlets, including NYT and the New York Compost ran a coordinated 24/7 fraudulent “crime is out of control and only a cop can save us” campaign during the primaries even though crime had been going down for several years and it’s almost a foregone conclusion in a city so oversaturated with billionaire-owned media…

          • @givesomefucks
            35 months ago

            Yeah, I hate how people act like primaries are fair, money in politics aren’t an issue, and the party doesn’t play favorites.

            The main thing the party does is gather donations, the more someone bundles, the higher position in the party they get. So the people at the top are always going to favor candidates that also bring in the most money.

            Rather than focus on getting Dems in office, they just chase donations.

            The party won’t fix itself, and voters are running out of time to have any influence in who makes it to the general