• @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    While i agree that they shouldnt be surprised, i think they have every right to be outraged. Are you just going to silently accept any and everything just because its “the norm”?

    I was watching the polices storming of the UCLA camp live and i think they overall did a decent job keeping violence to a minimum.(just that part not what came before and after) The rubber bullets were used for a relatively short time to establish an entry point into the camp after which they mostly used sheer numbers to slowly clear out the protest giving people chances to leave at any point.

    Im still pissed they were even ordered to clear out the camp in the first place but i also appreciate them not beating the shit out of kids indiscriminately.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Of course they should be outraged, if you go and protest you obviously don’t just silently accept stuff because it’s “the norm”.

      Edit: My point is, they should be afraid when they go to protest, because it is clearly dangerous to do in the U.S. But if they truly believe in their cause, they should overcome that fear and protest anyway.