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Another positive step in the right direction for an organization rife with brokenness. There’s a lot I don’t like about the organization, but this is something a love–a scouting organization open to young women and the lgbtq community. The next step is being inclusive of nonreligious agnostic and atheist youth and leaders. As well as ending the cultural appropriation of Native American peoples.

May this organization continue to build up youth, never allow further violence against youth, and make amends for all the wrongs. There’s a lot of good that comes out of organizations like this and I won’t discount it even though it’s riddled with a dark history.

  • @TK420
    410 months ago

    Sorry you didn’t get there, but you didn’t miss a once in a lifetime event either. Religion has no place in society or scouts. One day it will be gone and kids like you won’t have to deal with that.

      • @samus12345
        10 months ago

        If he’s going to be judging the dead when he comes back, why are Christians always talking about people currently being in heaven or hell? Shouldn’t they all be chilling in purgatory until Jesus gets around to judging them?

      • @ripcord
        10 months ago

        Eh, millions of people also believe(d) that:

        • Vishnu
        • Odin
        • Waheguru
        • Ahura Mazda
        • Amaterasu
        • Taiyi Tianzun
        • Baha’u’llah
        • Mahavira
        • Buddha(s)
        • Cernunnos
        • Zeus
        • Ra
        • Thor
        • Perun
        • Olorun
        • Perkūnas
        • Al-Hakim
        • Melek Taus
        • Shenlha Ökar
        • Haile Selassi
        • Olodumare
        • Olorum
        • Nyankopon
        • Hanulnim
        • Tenri-O-no-Mikoto
        • Kami
        • Anu
        • Mithras
        • Osiris
        • Apollo
        • Jupiter
        • Huitzilopochtli
        • Inti
        • …etc

        …were real and divine. And would have sworn on their life that it was true.

        But your minority religion is the one that’s finally real, right?

        • threelonmusketeers
          10 months ago

          You missed a bunch of good ones:

          • Flying Spaghetti Monster
          • Great Green Arkleseizure
          • Harry Potter
          • Zorp
          • Eru Iluvitar
          • Tim
          • Lisan al Gaib
          • Jeff
          • …etc

          In all likelyhood, just as real as the ones you listed :)

          • @ripcord
            10 months ago

            We have some really weak records that some dude existed.

            That doesn’t mean anything about why your mythology is true. We also have records of lots of people who millions believed were divine.

            But heres another thing: You are not a Christian because it’s Truth.

            You’re a Christian because your parents were. That’s it. That’s the main reason you believe what you do and swear it is real. You happened to be born into it.

            Same as how 99.9999% of Hindus are only Hindu because their parents were, or Muslims, or etc. They also believe what they do not because it’s the Real Truth. But because of where they were born. Which is a really, really weak reason.

            …And anyway - there’s a whole lot more people alive today who believe in other religions; why should I believe yours over theirs?