• @[email protected]
    79 months ago

    Am I traumatizing my children telling them about Santa?

    Personally I’m good with my children being suspicious of me. Don’t trust me blindly just because I’m an authority, trust me because you know me and my motivations.

      • @Zron
        19 months ago

        Love when everyone on the internet turns into a developmental psychologist because of some ribbing.

        I’ve been bullied, beaten, hell I’ve watched people die. Those are traumatic.

        Being asked to find a thing that doesn’t exist is not traumatic. It might be a little mean, but it does teach a lesson to use your head when you’re working on projects.

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          I’ve been beaten up daily at school when I was little and none of it bothered me as much as my parents not being supportive when I was in my late teens, but sticks and stones amirite?

          They were my best friends and now I never speak to them and just wait for them to go quietly into the night so I can have some free real estate. Guess I’m just a sensitive snowflake liberal who got #triggered but the joke’s on them.

          Just because it’s not some bombastic action scene of people dying or some shit doesn’t make something not traumatizing.

        • @Soup
          29 months ago

          Are we doing pain olympics? Just because someone has it better or less immediately noticeable doesn’t mean it’s less valid. It might be less extreme but telling they don’t have trust issues because you saw someone die doesn’t help anyone.

          I’m sorry you had to go through that, it sounds awful. Being regularly expected to be and treated like a gullible idiot by people who have power over you isn’t fun either.